Oh man, I just cooked the best omelette in the universe. I share my secret here with you.
Start with a cup. Break 2 large eggs into it and pour in a tablespoon or two of milk to dilute them a little. Whisk them around to mix it all up. Now grab one or more from the following groups of goodies you have in the fridge:
1) Bacon/ham (preferably well smoked), smoked salmon, or chicken/turkey - whatever's meaty and available
2) Cheese of any kind - preferably something full-bodied and neither too hard or too soft. If you've got more than one type of cheese, mix it up.
3) 'erbs: any combination of basil, parsley, rosemary, dill, ruccola, chopped spinach - preferably fresh
4) Spring onions
5 - optional) Vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, anything that doesn't take too long to cook through
Chop up a little of each and mix it into the egg and milk mixture.
Set a frying pan on medium heat and grease it with butter. Once the pan is warm enough (don't use oil and don't let the butter brown), pour in the omelette mixture. As the egg on the bottom cooks, lift the cooked layer to the top and let the raw egg that's on top run in underneath it. This gives the omelette a more fluffy, airy texture. For this stage, make sure the omelette stays in one piece and be wary of making any holes in it - also make sure all the ingredients remain evenly distributed. Once the omelette is golden on the bottom but before the top of it completely solidifies, sprinkle some extra cheese on top. Now lift one side of the omelette (about a third of the way across the pan) and turn it in towards the centre. Let the omelette roll out over the edge of the pan onto a serving plate in an elegant flop-gesture. Finish with a few magical incantations in praise of the chicken-god and eat with relish.