reply from my brother who is a Baptist preacher:
First you must correct the statement about Baptism. The act of Baptism is one of the two obedience commandments given by the Lord (the other being the Lord's Supper). Baptism is done as an act of public affiliation with Christ. After a person is saved they are commanded to follow the Lord in Baptism
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Carbon dating dates the gnostic gospel of philip at 70 AD, and the remainder at least as old as the varying canonized biblical texts.
If the Bible is not accurate, then God is a liar? God did not write the Bible. Men did. Unlike the Gnostic gospels, men also edited, translated, and modified the bible.
AS far as man not being divine and needing a savior, how can anyone believe man does not have some of the creator inside himself? The Bible even states that man is made in gods image. Surley you cannot believe seriously God physically looks like man? Spiritually man is made in the image of god. That is the part the Gnostic documents allude to.
Man does not disobey God in the Bible and do evil. Not the real crimes. god condones them and supports them and even orders them. The endless murder of hundreds of thousands of Canaanites were all committed in the nake of the LORD. So were the murder of their children and babies.
As far as the Gnostic gospels referring to magic and mythology, what do you call entire seas parting in the middle, the ocean swallowing the earths land, a tower so high god feared it would meet heaven, a man living inside the belly of a whale, god raining brimstone on two cities and destroying them, etc. that is the mythology of the Bible. it is childish to believe that.
The gnostic gospels WERE NOT HIDDEN. They were burned to the point of extinction as were it's followers murdered by the church for centurys. The inquisition was begun to find and eliminate Gnostics by the Roman catholic church.
Yes, there is a "mess" for the church alright. Once again in mans history the truth has yet emerged, and this time the church cannot burn the literature and murder everyone who chooses to question the church and Bible and their bloody history.
Finally, i reiterate what i said before and everyone refuses to touch. The Jews/Isrealites themselves, the writers of the bible, do not believe that Jesus was the son of God or that he was resurrected. There chosen people of Yahweh scoff at this notion and consider it blashphemy as do the muslims and gnostics.
The teachings of Jesus are completly contrary to the Bible. They are two completley different books that are put together and make no sense at all by theme joined as they are. But make Jesus a Gnostic, and the books make sense. jesus i believe did not identify with the bloody bible nor it's violent justice. Jesus was gentle and taught spirituality and self knowledge.
The gnostics did not emerge in the second century, rather the first by carbon dating of their documents, and possibly earlier. You're damn right the church fears them.
Finally, the tool of god, all that he and we are and all things of this world is PHI. The bible mentions this basic truth of humanity and divinity now. Not once. but the Gnostics knew it, they knew it and used it. That is the final evidence the gnostics understood the truth of divinity.
Some men are bound by the sum of their limitations to rise above ignorance, complacency, secularism, and fear. Whether that truth lies in your vision of reality of mine is a matter of interpretation.
I would for sake of knowledge only implore you to spend just a little time understanding the 5 geometric dimensions of PHI. Not to alter your spirituality, but to expand your conciousness. You owe that to yourself.
Peace and love to you, Wade, and John Mary Ann.
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