Sep 14, 2004 01:48
So, I was going to write a long update/entry, but I should be in bed within half an hour. We'll see how long my focus holds out.
Okay. . uh, starting from my last couple entries. . . ooh, with paragraphs! okay.
Music: Always the most important.
-Went to "Eaglewood" folk festival a bunch of weeks ago. T'was very folky. and small, and good. I bought "kashakas" ( and now I can play 'em pretty well. Valdy was there, and a bunch of others you might not know. Alan Marsden, David Woodhead. Good stuff. Magoo. uh. . Sourpuss. All good.
-I have now discovered Phish, thanks to Toronto band "Cavern". The only relationship is that they're both jam bands. Go see Cavern if you possibly can. They're great, and. . .well. . . they're great.
Camp: I went away for 2 months. That's where I was. I learned a bunch of things about myself and others. Thing #1, 11 year old boys are insane. Thing #2, I will always eek out a corner of a room that I can put my back against, and that corner will be the one with the best view of the room itself. If it is outside, that corner will have the most real estate to look at. Thing #3, I don't like people. I like persons. When there are more than 3 people at something at a time, I can't handle it and I start feeling lonely because something in me is feeling like I'm excluded, or at least apart from the rest.
-There are some great people at camp. They made it worthwhile to go this year. So I don't regret it. But I'll never go there again. You couldn't pay me enough. Ever. I'm very glad about the new friends though. I just will not return.
Girls: Meh. I said before I left that I'd be happy for 2 months because of 3 kisses I got from one girl. That was likely true, except that she decided to get a boyfriend, which really meant I never had a chance and she wasn't interested. But I got a week or two out of it. Maybe 10 days. Of happiness.
-I had lunch with a girl I just met in my class on the first day of my new school (York University). The rest of you would put this under "school", but this has never happened to me, so it gets an honoured position.
-2 hook ups this summer (better than my previous record of zero). one is still interested, though recognizes that nothing will happen (Looong Distance), and the second one really never had a chance, I guess.
School: University makes you read a lot of stuff. But it's easier than college, so far.
Family: Dad is not in good shape. Condition worsening, but that's what always happens. Doesn't talk. Doesn't do much moving. Scratches his nose though. Brother is still a genius. Mother is still a workaholic.
Cool stuff: I bought mini throwing knives. Been practicing on a cardboard box. It's hard to get the rotation right so that you get the blade to stick into the box instead of hitting it with the side of the knife, or the butt. I'm looking at getting a peacoat, and a british navy style sweater. If you know where the sweater can be found, let me know. I'm also brewing wine and beer in the basement. The first batch of beer came out beautifully. Furthermore I'll be taking fencing lessons beginning next week. Possibly Kendo as well.
I think that'll do for now. I've grown a lot over the last few months. I dont' know how, or why. I like it, it's just odd. I'm more confident and I dunno . . stuff. Confident and stuff. That's about it, really. Maybe I'll post more often now. Likely not.