TLDR version:
2014 left me drowning in unexpected & prolonged medical expenses/bills. Ideally, $10000 would get the hospital off my back and fully dig me out of this hole. Realistically, $3000 would be enough to fling at both hospital & mortgage lender to satisfy them for another month or two. More realistically, anything you can spare will be more than I have on my own, & I'd be so very grateful. But, please. Please, please, *please* only give if you're financially able. Do not put undue stress on yourself trying to help me out. Please take care of you.
Whether you're able to give or not, please share this, because I do need help. Put your own words explaining my situation or use mine or mix the two. Whichever works for you! I need as many eyes on this as possible! Even if I don't meet my goal, even if I only get half, hell, even if I only get a quarter or even less, that'll be more than I have on my own, more than I ever thought I'd get, & I'd be grateful. Thank you.
Jay's YouCaring fundraiser! It runs until middle of March right now because that's when I'd need the bare minimum by to placate the hospital & keep my house. If I get enough to cover that immediate need, I may extend the date & the goal for a long-term fundraiser.
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If you are able to give, want to give, prefer to do so directly, and are in the U.S., leave a comment & I'll send you my paypal information.
If you want to send good energy, protection, hugs, what-have-you, I accept them openly & gratefully.
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