Truncated because work calls

Apr 23, 2010 10:43

Have heard tell about last night's SPN and its "other gods" fail. Am torn between dling that one ep to see how bad for myself or just ignoring and carrying on as has been my wont for some years now. HOWEVER, please, those of you still in that fandom, tell me that there ARE NOT IGNORANT MOTHERFUCKERS who are all "I think they made Baron Cemetary up. I've never heard of him." I can't go investigate for myself as I'm ass-deep in meetings for the rest of the day BUT LIE TO ME IF YOU MUST. I cannot start the Kill All The Foolish Revolution today because I have to work on my productivity and advancement plan for where I see myself at work in the five years. Telling them "Bathed in the blood of the stupid, dancing on their still-twitching corpses" probably doesn't fit with the workplace synergy.

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fail, hell is other people, appropriation times, fandom: kill your tv, fandom eats its young, rare public post, hot mess, via ljapp, cranky old lady, kill it with fire, fuckery

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