Consumption of various kinds

Apr 09, 2010 18:48

Two series I am clearly not going to be able to stop watching now that I've seen parts of both: Being Human and Southland. Sis has all of the latter on the dvr and had been threatening me with pain of death if I did not start watching, so it's just a matter of setting aside some time and watching. Am in the process of trying to find torrents for the former, just as soon as there are drive-cleaning shenanigans. Kassie, feel free to gloat. Consider this your delayed payment, since I never could get into True Blood, which still makes no sense to me because, no matter how bad that show is, it's got *vampires* and *LAFAYETTE.* I should have been in like Flynn, regardless of how bad it was. Maybe I'll try again some time.

In other news, still ill but getting better. Cough is no longer constant, though still present. Voice is on the mend. Dizziness and near-black outs need to get right the fuck out.

Today marked the first day since the gall bladder surgery all those months ago that I've been brave enough to try some fried food. While the few bites I had were tasty -- somewhat, as tastebuds have hella changed and things taste WEIRD now -- and hasn't made me sick yet, I think I've developed yet ANOTHER weird food reaction. My lips? Are itching and kinda swelling wherever the oil from frying (even after draining) touched them. This NEVER happened before. Funnily enough, I won't really miss fried foods all that much. I can get the crunch -- I'm ALL about maximum surface crunch when it comes to "fried" foods -- in most things from breading and oven-baking or searing in a hot pan and then transferring to a hot oven. I gave the rest of what was to be my serving to the fam to divy up as they so choose. I've got some salmon -- to sear, as mentioned earlier -- and whole-wheat pasta with my name on it. I'd quinoa this bitch up if I hadn't run out. Same goes for brown rice. I sense a bougie grocery run this weekend, as I'm also out of almond milk and soy yogurt. WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE ME? /BeaArthur

The weather is clearly out to do folks like me in. Last night's temps were in the 30s, with close to freezing-rain. Today? It was 82 when I got off work. I see how you do, Mother Nature.

Oh, also now that I see so many other folks have been having LJ issues today, I don't feel so bad. LJ's been HORRENDOUSLY slow to load for me for about a week. Like, I'd click my bookmark to load my FL, go off to make a sandwich and wash some dishes, come back and it'd STILL be not done loading. I thought it was my internet, since downorjustme said it was just me but all my other regular haunts were loading just fine. So, I said fuck it and read a book, read a book, read a motherfucking book. Good to see I am not the only one with issues, though.

fandom: kill your tv, me: health, fandom: sharing is caring, food: food is questionable

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