And we're back to unserious.
Title : Does she ... or doesn't she?
Author : mascaret
Fandom : BSG
Summary : Does she ... or doesn't she?
Word Count : 300 (not counting dashes and ellipsis)
Does she … or doesn't she?
The President was talking, but Bill wasn't paying attention to her words. He was too distracted. Something was off. Something was different about her and it wasn't just the dark circles under her eyes.
It had to be the sleep deprivation, but he just couldn't place his finger on what.
As she paused awaiting a response from him - a response he didn't have - she pushed a lock of hair behind her ear.
It couldn't be.
“Did you change your hair color?”
“What? No!” The President sounded overly defensive.
Bill looked to the other individual in the room for confirmation. Keeping his head down, the President's aide refused to get drawn in to the conversation.
Still Bill insisted. “You did!”
Again she denied it. “No! I didn't.”
“We're out here running for our lives in 33 minute increments and you took time out to dye your hair?”
“I most certainly did not! This is my natural hair color.”
Bill pointed out the obvious. “That's not the color it was last night.”
Cornered she indignantly offered. “I've been taking a lot of showers to try to stay awake the past few days. Coloring only stays in for so many washes. Mine rinsed out.”
Trying to follow along in his sleep deprived state, Bill asked. “You're claiming you didn't color your hair last night. You colored it back on Caprica?”
Looking relieved, she nodded. “Yes.”
Bill wasn't buying what she was trying to sell him. “You deliberately dyed your hair from this … reddish to some dumpy shade of brown?”
After the President stormed out, her aide quietly commented. “I know nothing - nothing - about women, but even I know you aren't supposed to comment on a change in a woman's hair color.”