Title : Seven Minutes in Heaven
Author : mascaret
rating : M
Summary : Written for the wrong pairings challenge. Written solely for the wrong pairings challenge.
Pairings: Laura/Bill Laura/Figurski
A/N Thank Blame mmegiry for beta checking this. Also be forewarned mmegiry is working on a fic of the same pairing so never ever click on anything with her name on it again! Ever!
(I so so should have spent this time working on something a little more worthwhile!)
Seven Minutes in Heaven
Bill took Laura's hand to help her down from the raptor. He reluctantly let go as Racetrack held out a clipboard for his review.
“I'll be coming right behind you, Madame President.”
“I certainly hope so.” Hips full of promise, she gave an exaggerated turn and moved towards the ladder.
As she reached the ladder Bill paused mid signature to watch. No matter how many times he watched her go up the ladder it never got old.
“I could spend all day starring at those legs and that ass.”
As Bill turned to look at the man who had said aloud the words that he had been thinking, Figurski added a hasty. “Sir.”
“If you don't have enough work I can find you more. Why are you just standing there?”
“I'm waiting on the Chief. I can't do anything else with this bird until he shows me how to strip and replace a gymbal.”
“You don't know how to strip a gymbal? How is that even possible? How many years have you been working down here?”
Figurski just shrugged.
Shucking his jacket, Bill handed it to Figurski.
“Give me that!” Taking the wrench from him, Bill slid under the raptor himself.
Making quick work of taking out the damaged gymbal, Bill held out a hand expectantly.
Figurski high low fived him.
“The replacement gymbal!”
“Oh. Right.”
Bill shook his head watching Figurski head into the nearby supply closet.
* * *
As Figurski pulled on the string attached to the bare bulb in the center of the small room it gave way. “Frak!”
* * *
Coming back down the ladder Laura wondered what the hold up was. Catching sight of Bill's jacket trailing into the supply closet she hurried to follow suit.
In the last of the light before the door closed behind her Laura caught sight of Bill's jacket - Admiral pins attached - draped over a shelf.
“Keep quiet. Someone's right outside under a raptor.” she warned him.
She felt along the wall for the light switch but couldn't find one. No matter she'd seen it all before.
Starting work on her own clothes she advised him. “Finish stripping and make it quick. I need to be in the wardroom in seven minutes. We have got to come up with some better signals. I thought we were meeting in the storage room two floors up.”
* * *
Still waiting under the raptor Bill began to wonder if Figurski even knew what a gymbal looked like. How else to explain what was taking the other man so long?
Bill didn't have time for this. He had a private little 'meet and greet' scheduled upstairs with Laura before her next official appointment.
He thought he had heard the distinctive sound of Laura's heels a few minutes ago, but rolling out from under the raptor Bill didn't see her anywhere.
Moving to the supply closet door he wrenched it open. “How the hell long does it take to find -”
Bill left off abruptly as light from the hangar deck spilled into the room.
* * *
Alone in his shared quarters at the end of his shift, looking down at the ring of lipstick smeared on his little specialist, Figurski knew he would never wash him again.