
May 07, 2005 16:14

i dont think anyone reads my lj anymore. ha. i dont even think that im friends with people on here anymore. but if i am. i miss the people i used to see all the time. its nice to have what i have right now...because i love him. but i miss jess, and az, and jared, nathan, maribeth, paige, ryan girl, anabell, fuckin caitlin avery and bridget and shit. it kinda sucks knowing high school is going to be over, and i will be going to college and starting new things and ending friendships that ive needed to do for a while. but until then i need to fuckin party. cause last night i got wicky crunk with emily and i felt like i was fucking 40 years old....sitting at my boyfriends drinking wine with my best friend and her boyfriend, the boyfriends leaving to get us food. emily and i laughing our asses off....emily and dizzle passing the fuck out. and me being a emotional drunk and fighting with my boyfried, then him driving me home, me crying. then me waking up with the worst hangover ever created and a call from emily wondering if i was as hung over as she was. and YES.... YES i was. this is a really long entry, i doubt people will even read. so funny. i remembered why i even started a livejournal to begin with....cause of zac pooler cause i had a crazy crush on him. wow... im so internet.
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