hehe. I thought this was cute :)
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulmascara_fiend goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Devil.
3circledsun tricks you! You get a broken toy car.brightasyellow tricks you! You get a rotten egg.fugged gives you 4 light blue grape-flavoured wafers.
heatherobxnc tricks you! You get a rock.
ithinkiamfree gives you 8 red spearmint-flavoured gummies.
lungy tricks you! You get a button.
meggs185 tricks you! You get an old sock.
myredsweater gives you 14 white passionfruit-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.
spiffymunkee gives you 17 yellow grape-flavoured gummy fruits.
ultra_boy gives you 1 red peach-flavoured nuggets.mascara_fiend ends up with 44 pieces of candy, a broken toy car, a rotten egg, a rock, a button, and an old sock.Another fun meme brought to you by