Israeli parlament member Anastasia Michaeli respond to the attacks on Israel (English)

Jun 05, 2010 15:16

The Knesset Jerusalem
02 June 2010 
Standing by Israel during this anti-Israel media campaign

As a member of Knesset, as a Chairperson of the Israel-Estonia Parliamentary Friendship League  I am turning to you to help Israel while it faces anti-Israel attacks in the media and in other arenas.

The barrage of skewed reports and condemnations could cause us to forget the simple facts.  I would like to take the liberty of reminding you of these facts.

1.      Hamas - a terrorist organization - has been attacking Israel for many years with missiles and Kassam rockets. Over this period, Hamas has fired an estimated 10,000 rockets at Israeli civilian targets.  Just last week, several rockets were fired at Israeli towns in the Ashkelon area.  The arms were
smuggled into the Gaza strip via sea and land.
2.      In order to protect its citizens, Israel has implemented a sea blockade on Gaza. Such a blockade is legal under international law and is a recognized and legitimate means for the protection of a country's very existence and the safety of its citizens.
3.      The declared goal of the flotilla was the breaking of the sea blockade on Gaza and to undermine Israel's sovereign rights to self-defense.  The flotilla organizers repeatedly declared, "Our goal is not the passage of humanitarian aid to Gaza, but to break the blockade." (AFP, 27.5.2010)  There is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza.  Israel transfers vast quantities of aid on a daily basis to Gaza residents
4.      The Flotilla activists preplanned their violent attack. Their baggage included weapons, which they then used against the Israeli soldiers.  Repeated calls to the flotilla ships to abandon their course and deliver the aid through acceptable channels were rejected. Cries of "Jihad" were heard from the ships' deck.
5.      The mission of the Israeli naval forces was to stop the ship and take it to the port of Ashdod, Israel.  The soldiers equipped themselves with crowd-dispersal equipment and paint guns.  Only after boarding the ship and realizing the true intent of the flotilla activists did the soldiers use their small guns in self-defense.

6.      The soldiers who rappelled onto the boat from the helicopter were brutally attacked with weapons and knives, metal pipes, and clubs.  One soldier was thrown from the upper deck to the lower deck 10 meters below.   Another soldier's gun was wrested from him and used to shoot at Israeli soldiers.  The disturbing pictures circulated through every media outlet show the flotilla activists ferociously hitting the soldiers - recalling the lynch of two Israeli reserve soldiers in Ramallah in 2000.

7.      The injured - both soldier and flotilla activist - were flown by helicopter to Israeli hospitals for medical treatment.  Of the Israeli injured, two are defined as in serious condition.

The above are all verifiable facts from which two conclusions can be drawn:

1.      Under cover of a "peace flotilla" and concern for the basic needs of Gaza residents, the flotilla organizers launched a violent attempt to violate Israel's sovereignty, injure its soldiers and destabilize the country.  Israel's treatment of the flotilla as though it were simply a pro-Palestinian gesture brought about unfortunate results: Israeli soldiers, whose only goal was the defense of their country and its citizens, are now hospitalized after being attacked by "peace activists".
2.      In truth, the flotilla organizers' mission has only just begun.  At this very moment terrorist organizations (which played a significant role in the flotilla preparations) and pro-Hamas countries are exploiting this tragic event in order to attack Israel.  They are harnessing media outlets around the world toward their hostile ends.

Israel must defend itself.  The sea blockade, which was implemented to prevent arms smuggling, must remain in place.  Israeli citizens have the right to protect their very lives.

I ask of you not to lend a hand to attempts to harm Israel's sovereignty and its basic rights.  We must not allow this extreme provocation to continue.  Do not allow anti-Israel propaganda to succeed.

With all respect,

MK Anastassia Michaeli

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