Jun 23, 2007 02:03


The folding and unfolding of space, time, and events.
Seems to take a purposeful path.
Everyone sees the unfolding of these things,
but oh what I would give to see them folding.

It seemed as though difficulty had arisen,
yet this diffuculty is merely the solution
to problems that were, at the time, unknown.

I knew exactly what would happen going in. It was almost as if we all did. And the effect observed was the effect desired. I embarked on a new journey, and a new set of events were set into motion. Just like the machinations of some adding machine.

I could feel
space curling up around me
sound pulsing through the air
I could feel everything.

And when I turned my inner eye upon it all,
I did it with a power that had been yet unknown.
Oh, heavens, the speed!
I felt as if I was moving with infinite velocity
across the universe to where your mind resides.
I could push and pull against gravity
and I stretched time like never before.
I almost wished for a hummingbird
to see the beating of his wings.

I knew exactly what would happen going in. I knew there would be a change. I knew there would be changes. I knew there would be consequences, and even rewards. And it seemed as though this whole string of events had been folded up, set up in advance, and now I am beginning to witness their unfolding.

The folding and unfolding of space, time, and events.
If you could only see them as I do!
What life they have! What beauty they possess!
They dance with each other like the winds on the sea.
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