Umm, why aren't guys into me? well, atleast the ones that i'd be in to....

Nov 08, 2006 17:46

seriously though.

i don't think i'm ugly, i don't think i'm fat, i'm not a bitch (however, i don't let ppl walk all over me), i'm smart, kinda funny (atleast to myself), i'm nice and considerate...

so where the fuck are you? lol.

maybe it's just chico.

everyone here just wants to fuck, are in frats, immature, drink waaaaay too much or think their shit doesn't stink.

in that case, i can wait. lol

after posting this very same blog on my myspace, see how Josh responded (he makes me smile):

"The men (I mean boys, who are we kidding) in this town are obviously morons and their feeble minds cannot comprehend your brilliance and superior looks!

PS: I also think you're Hilarious :]"

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