May 26, 2005 07:32
So we saw our lawyer yesterday.
How often in life do you get to say THAT in a good way.
we saw our lawyer yesterday, but John is our business lawyer, so it was business related.
We have a lawyer, which on it's own is a step forward. We also have a realtor now, who has sent us information on several promising locations.
Anyways, John gave us advice towards registaring 'The Watcher', which will be done tonight. On Saturday we have four locations to look at (One in Kensinton market, which I am a little excited about.). We have made several strides forward, and I hope to see 'The Watcher' open in the next few months.
In other news important to me, next monday (the 30th) is the first 'come if you can' Heroes game. I think only three will be there (Aaron, Carolyn, and Jason) though I do hope to talk Patrick into coming. I figure around six at my place will be fine. Bring dice, though Mutants and Masterminds only uses D20, and we likely will only get characters done (which takes no dice). What else can I say on that?
It has been an exciting week, and is only bound to get better come the weekend.
That is all.