(no subject)

Mar 12, 2005 09:53

So, let me open with my normal whining.
I don't know anyones scedule, and therefore can't even guess when we'll be able to play mage again.
Could you all please tell me what nights you are available so as that we can work something out?
I want to play mage.
I really do.

That dealt with, I'm starting to get the hang of the difference between what customer service is 'supposed' to be (Country Style) And what it should be (Tutti Fruitti)
What amazes me, is that most people are much happier with honest in your face service over the customer is always right service.
No, wait, actually that doesn't really surprise me. I mean, what would you perfer? The plastic smile, can I take your order, thank you sir, bullshit?
Or actual human interaction?

Problem is, human interaction is the last thing that my customers at Country style expect. Well, second last. Intelligence of any sort behind a country style counter is the last thing they expect. Human interaction is up there on the list though.

It has dawned on me that there is a problem in retail, that has led to this sort of expectation. People don't recognize that retail service, when done right, is actually a skill. Even most employers don't see it this way, which leads to crap service from stupid people. Retail is where you go when you can't get a REAL job.

Maybe I'm a little spoilt, since I've always only worked jobs I could enjoy (Until recently) but I still do retail work because I like it. I like dealing with people, and I think I'm damn good at it. So I take it personally when I get a customer with the "Oh, you work behind the counter, so you must be a moron" attitude. I get that alot at the Country style.

But, then again I take it as a personal slight when some idiot is behind the counter at any store, who can't deal with people, and has no people skills. These folks are what people expect when they shop.

Worse still, as we come to a general acceptance of store clerks just themselves, customer service goes straight to the shitter, since many of these clerks don't know the first thing about human interaction.

Do I have a point? Actually, for once I do. The reason I can accept the fake smile and fake service I have to emulate at Country style is because it IS a job for untrained and uneducated workers, and these people have to be kept on a short leash.
I love that I can do and say what I want at Tuitti Fruitti, but I recognize that this only works because I can keep a good leash on myself, and recognize OK and NOT OK on what I can say and do without supervision.

In short there is actually crap retail jobs for crap retail workers, and good retail jobs for advanced retail workers. And alot of otherwise good store ideas are ruined when the employer forgets this.
Crap customer sevice in a cool store keeps you from coming back. This happens when clerks who have no interpersonal skills (and are rude bitches, guys and gals) are left to there own devices.
Likewise, many places just aren't suited for the fake service trained in customer service workshops.

The answer is to have an actual hand in hiring your staff, or have it done by someone who has excellent customer skills themselves.

Interesting side note, by the way. I had a guy up from Vancover tell me that he used to manage a certian candy store out there. Turns out that the owner (who we'll call 'Sean', to protect the guilty) didn't like the staff. So 'Sean' just walks in one day, just before opening, calls EVERYONE, fires the lot of them, and then buggers off, leaving the management to deal with the mess. I don't know where that fits into this whole rant, but it was an interesting story.

So, get to me with your days available. Mine are, once again:
Monday, after five.
Tuesday, but only till eleven at the latest
Wednesday, after five.
Thursday, but only till eleven.

This may change, as I've once again strongly suggested that my bosses get someone less skilled to work my Country style shifts. But once I'm back fully at Tutti Fruitti, it actually becomes easier to set my scedule around a good day.

That is all.
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