Jun 02, 2005 17:26
These past few days I've been really busy and these coming days I'm going to be really busy as well. Because I'm studying for my exams and when I'm not studying I'm working on my site (or hanging out with friends). I really want to make this site happen , that's why I keep posting the gayru profile questions everywhere because not many gyaru are sending in their profiles. And its making me worry that I won't have enough profiles in the end. That will really upset me because I really want to do that site. Tomorow is my english exams , I'm not worrying much about it because it sounds very easy lol. But I'm really worried about my Human Biology exams , I hope I get atleast 50% . I don't need no more and I deffinately need no less , but if I get 50 % in my Human Bio I would be happy.