KONY2012 and Invisible Children

Mar 07, 2012 22:11

So this video has exploded onto the internet on Monday and in 2 days has gone viral. Seriously mega-viral. And as with all things on the internet, there are those who will praise it and those who will dump on it.

I've seen the video, I've been to the website, I've gone to the articles about IC's finances and non-compliance with the BBB. So with all of that as mental soup sloshing around in my head, where does that leave me and what ground do I stand on?

I'm sorry, but until you can prove to me that there are no more child soldiers, I'll believe in this cause. OK OK many of you are sneering at your screens and muttering low-browed names at me. Fair enough. It's your opinion.
"You don't even know where your money is going!" You yell at me.
"Sure I do. It doesn't have to go anywhere."

I think what people have missed is that this is an AWARENESS campaign. Up until a few days ago, almost no one knew about Kony or who he was. That was the point. The organization is trying to raise awareness about who he is to make him one of the most talked about issues, and thus a priority for the US government to address. Do I have to spend any money? No. I don't HAVE to. I can sign the pledge, download the posters to print myself, and spread the word. No money has left my pocket.

"But what about the starving children that we have here?" You say to me.
Yes, and with the money I haven't sent to IC, I can help the local groups that help those in need. Let's remember that at least here, (Western World) there are places to go; shelters, or organizations. In Uganda, the Sudan and surrounding areas, the families just don't have anywhere to go. There is no one to help them.

That's why I DO believe in the Western World sticking their noses in and saying "Hold on now!"
It's not our fight? Well, yeah. In my opinion, yeah it is. This is about human rights.
If you saw a kid being bullied by someone twice their size, and you had the ability to step in and stop it - would you? It's not your fight. Would you?
Same principle, only applied to masses of people.

I know I will get shot on all sides for this but I'm sorry, this is what I believe. You can nit pick about the credentials of a this organization, but they've actually done what no one else has done; they got the word out.

kony2012, invisible children

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