Jul 10, 2004 04:43
Sebastian was a good lobster. He, he was one of us, he was a lobster that enjoyed the ocean. As a lobster he explored the oceans of Southern California, from Ohoa, to Lea Koreo, and up to Pismo. He died, He died as so many young lobsters of his generartion before his time.In your wisdom lord, you took him as u took so many bright and flowering lobsters. At Ka Son, at Lon Dock,, and hell 364. These young lobsters gave their lives. So sebastion, sebastian who loved swimming.And so sebastion thheodore karabossaless, and in accordance to what we think your dying wishes might well have been, we committ you final mortal remains to the bossom of gibby's backyard, which you love so well. Good night sweet prince!!