May 03, 2005 06:08
FIYAAAAAAAAAH (and other japanese jibberish!)
I'm in a giddy mood because I found this song (The one I'm listening to) - Abare Killer is like, the coolest ever. Like whoa. Like, like. I cannot express his 1337ness.
I haven't posted in a while - been a slug, really. WoWing a decent amount, MU*ing, chatting on IRC again some, listening to a ton of music. (That's really what I do - I have backlogs of anime and toku to watch yet I never do - I sit around and listen to music endlessly. Nothing wrong with it, but.. heh.) I have to work a lot this coming weekend - ALTA City Finals BS making me go in early as hell.. ugh. But it's TEH MONIES. So whatevaaaaa~
I will survive.
Hisabisa ni tokimekuze.. omoshireeee...