(no subject)

Feb 12, 2009 01:39

Not too long ago I just got back from meeting up with Snackies. Anne and I had our usual night were we cook together. So we made a seafood quiche, that we totally demolished. While we watched The Reader on my laptop. We also had cinnabuns and some Swedish dessert. We laughed about how all we do is eat. And if someone watched a video of us all they would see is food porn. There was 5mins left of the movie and Snackies called me. He wanted me to meat him for a late night snack and drinks. I agreed, even though I already had to much junk inside of my belly. Plus, I had not seen him in a couple of days so I decided what the heck. He wanted to get together yesterday, but I was too lazy to enjoy the very unusual beautiful 60+ degree weather outside. It was strange to go out on a Wednesday night because I usually work. I have it off because people who have to work this weekend requested Friday off to celebrate Vday. So I have to work Friday.

When I'm with Snackies he always rambles on and on about things that I don't care about. Yet, I always sit and listen and pretend that I am intrigued. I feel like I can not compare my 22 (23 soon) years of life to his 48 glorious years. So I usually just sit and listen to his stories. This times that I do chime in is when we discuss movies. The bond that both he and I have is the love of the cinema. We can talk about movies for hours upon hours, while ignoring the rest of the world. I do wonder about him sometimes. I wonder why he befriends so many of us youngins. I wonder if he sees himself as a mentor to us. And he needs to guide our youthful minds down the right path. If we shall go down the wrong path he would laugh at us and then would point us in the right direction. I sometimes want to ask him what his deal is but I never do, because no matter how I word it, it would sound bitchy coming out of my mouth. Last weekend, he took me to Mongolian BBQ and we sat down and tried to figure out where my bitchiness comes from. We never found the root to why I say the mean things that I do. But, I did realize that someone has to be the bitch so it might as well be me...

One thing I know is that he hangs out with us (mostly me) because he wants to escape the house he is living in right now. Snackies was living in Cali until he father became ill. So he returned to IL to take care of him. I think that he hates watching his father day and being the only sibling to take care of him. His brother and sister are busy living their lives with their families. And because Snackies has no wife or children he is stuck with the responsibility. So I am glad that I am a person that he calls when he needs to escape. I feel ad though I want to help him as much as I can...
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