Dec 25, 2007 18:02
It snowed today! My first white Christmas :)
It's been super fantastic being home - lots of laughing, movie watching, napping, eating, etc...
Got my hair cut on Saturday. Nothing super drastic, but it feels extremely short. You know how people who've had limbs amputated talk about still being able to feel them? Yeah... When I brush my hair it surprises me every time that the strokes aren't as long as I'm used to....
At church this Sunday the associate pastor came up to me to say hi. He's preaching next Sunday, and in the past my dad and I have always sung some kind of duet for "special music." So he comes up and says "You know, I'm preaching next Sunday - you singin'?" Hadn't planned on it, but hey, sure. So my dad and I are singing "Amazing Grace" (that's our specialty :) ) at the end of his sermon for the three services. I love singing with my dad!
Think we're watching "The Family Stone" tonight. Brother got it for Mom for Christmas. She loves that movie :)