An awkward Situation

Jul 16, 2012 00:05

Follow up from the meme of awesome where Bruce has to care for Betty who has been turned into a 4-year old.
Adult content for Tony's insinuations.

Betty Ross, temporary consultant to SHIELD, woke up to a knock on the door of her room. She went to roll over and realized there was a very warm weight wrapped in her arms and she blinked her eyes clear to find Bruce fast asleep next to her. She could barely remember the prior evening, though she at least recalled being in the lab, but then her memory failed. Again a knock on the door and this time, Bruce woke up, opening his eyes almost warily and looking over at Betty. His eyes did a scan of her, as if he were uncertain about her being there in his arms, but when there was a third knock at the door he sat up and motioned for her to stay put. Instinctively, she wrapped the lab coat she was still wearing tighter around her as he stood, and moved over to the door.

“Hey, Bruce. Open up.” The voice of Tony Stark rang through the material composite in the door and Betty gave Bruce a confused look. They were clearly in Betty's room, and the best she could assume was that Tony had been snooping around again, or seen Bruce come in. “Hey, Doc, come on. Open up. How's the patient?” Bruce regarded Betty with a confused look this time before opening the door and pointedly blocking Tony from coming inside. That still doesn't stop Tony from seeing over his shoulder and waving at Betty with a mischievous smile.

“Morning Doctor Ross. Nice coat.” Betty blushes, not realizing why until she looks down and notices that it has Bruce's name on it. Bruce shoots Tony a very pointed look, which only seems to egg him on as he pushes by Bruce and takes a step into the room. “By the way, I heard about your little adventure last night. Quite the news running around the ship.” Bruce completely missed the second meaning behind his words, but it certainly rang in Betty's ears. She gave Bruce a puzzled look, which Tony didn't miss at all. He was surprised, and a bit pleased to realize she had no idea she had spent the last twelve hours running around as a 4-year old. Oh, he was going to enjoy turning the whole situation on its head.

It was then she realized that the clothing she was wearing was a bit tight and walked over to a mirror and opened the lab coat. Bruce was at least thankful that Coulson had seen to a stretchy pair of shorts, though it meant they were almost unreasonably short on Betty, and that HULK t-shirt he'd snatched for her was now just barely keeping her modest. Both Betty and Bruce turned a bright shade of red while Tony just grinned broadly. He'd heard rumors about the prior evening's mishap, and so far it seemed to be mostly true. It was too much as he walked over to Betty, Bruce giving him an evil eye and stepping between them protectively. Bruce knew that look on Tony's face.

“Tony, just don't.” Betty quickly closed her-Bruce's-lab coat and turned in time to see Tony giving her a once-over.

“I just wanted to say, you would have made a great dancer at my Expo. If you ever want a chance to be a part of the Iron Maidens just...” Tony didn't get a chance to finish because the next thing he remembered was laying on the floor and wondering if his nose had been broken. The bathroom door closed and Bruce just looked down at him with a frown. “Your girlfriend hit me.” Bruce didn't seem amused as he just stayed standing over Tony.

“I told you not to do it.”

“Her old man didn't swing like that.” Bruce wasn't about to ask how Tony knew this, but manages to offer out a hand as Tony dabbed at his bloody nose. Once Tony was on his feet, Bruce looked over as there was a bang against the door, and Betty's muffled voice came through.

“I'm alright, I just...I'm going to have to wear this shirt forever...” She made a few struggling noises and before Bruce could stop him, Tony was over at the door knocking on it.

“Doctor Ross? Do you want Doctor Banner to come help with that?” Bruce's face pales as he hears Betty issue a furious sound.

“I'm FINE! Go AWAY! I will hit you again, Stark!”

“She will.” Bruce offers with raised eyebrows, trying not to wonder too much why Tony insisted on pushing his luck. Betty was trying again to escape the outfit when she called out to Bruce, sounding a bit defeated.

“Bruce, I need scissors.”

“Right.” He called back, searching her room and coming up with a pair. He shoved Tony aside and knocked on the door. “Hey, got them.” The door unlocked, but then before Bruce realized Tony was behind him, there was a hand shoving the middle of his back and another opening the door. Bruce suddenly found himself in the cramped bathroom across from Betty, and Tony leaning to keep the door closed behind him.

Betty watched as Bruce turned about five shades of red and held out the scissors dumbly. His mind was already racing, wondering what tales Tony would tell about Bruce and Betty that were very much not happening. Betty only smiled as she took the scissors from Bruce, realizing exactly what Tony was up to. She put the scissors in the sink and walked over to Bruce who was really trying not to stare too much, and then he realized she had that smile on her face. It was trouble, but not the kind that Tony probably expected.

On the other side of the door Tony's eyebrows raised as he heard not the timid squeaking of an indignant Bruce, but the rather unexpected sounds of the pair making out. His entire plan had backfired and rather than be outdone, he threw open the door, only to have Bruce and Betty jump out on top of him. They had played him, and had been waiting to pounce on him the moment the door opened. He was quickly outmatched, between Bruce's years of training and Betty's military-brat background, he soon found himself face down on the floor and trussed up like a pig for the roast.

He just stared up incredulously at Banner as the scientist tried not to smirk at finally getting one over on Tony. Betty finally emerged from the bathroom, looking positively understated as usual, and then they were picking Tony up and hauling him down the hallway. It was early morning, and the hall was teeming with personnel who all stopped in turn to watch the unexpected procession pass them by.

Half an hour later, none other than Nick Fury walked into Tony's lab to see the man hanging from the ceiling by a rather artistically crafted weave of wiring and duct tape. Fury just silently walked around Tony, hands behind his back and studying the workmanship. He wandered around the lab a bit, poking pointedly at Tony's 'toys' before uttering a word.

“I hope this was a lesson for you?” Fury didn't even turn to face Tony as he poked at a screen.

“Well, yes actually. Never underestimate a guy that turns green, and his girlfriend.” Tony offered a wide grin in return, but Fury, who only glanced over his shoulder at the look didn't seem appeased. “Okay, okay. I'll write a formal apology letter, and send them on an all-expenses paid vacation in the Mediterranean.” He still wasn't happy but even the mention of an apology letter was at least something. He walked over, slit a few pieces of duct tape and Tony fell into an unceremonious pile on the floor.

“Until further notice you are now banned from setting foot in Doctor Ross's lab, and Banner's lab if she's in there with him. You do not go near either of their rooms. I have granted Doctor Ross permission to use whatever force she feels necessary if you violate any of those rules. Understood?”

Tony nodded silently as Fury left, and then looked up, to see Banner and Ross trying not to laugh from outside the window to his lab. That made twice in one day, and something about karma and retribution for all that time pestering Banner briefly tickled Tony's thoughts before he stood up and started to disassemble the mess of wires which he had just fallen from.

Out in the hall Bruce and Betty turned away from the window and started back for their labs. As they did, Bruce found Betty lacing her fingers in his and he issued a gentle laugh when she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"What was that for?" He smiled warmly over at her as they strolled down the hall.

"We still make a good team. You and I." She leaned against his shoulder happily, and for a little while, at least, everything felt as it should be.


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