Feb 23, 2005 23:02
I hate ex-girlfriends who fuck with your head. I hate liars. I hate people that are nice to your face..and then talk shit behind your back. I hate girls that play games with your head just because they know you love them and would do anything for them. I hate people who say "I love You" and don't mean it..and break up with you not even a month later. I hate stupid people. I hate ex-girlfriends who automatically become attracted to the girl that is going to ask you out..just because she wants to be a bitch. FuCk you Ho...You don't deserve ANYBODY..and stop trying to be bi..you're NOT..you are just sexually frustrated and attracted to anything that moves...go do a dog...it'll save other people a lot of hurt...and by the way...the one you want to want you is NEVER going to want you so just let HIM Go...LOL!
KaTie- I don't know if you are going to read this..but I still do care for you...you are such a great person..and I don't want to lose our friendship...Hopefully one day we can work everything out and just let it be chill...