Happy new years everybody!
I hope you had wonderful celebrations, and if you didn't, don't think by any means that they're reflective of the year to come!
For once I'm going to be a girl of few words and just take a minute to tell all my friends, wherever they may be, that they're loved and I think about them.
I appreciate I still have my friends
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I love you because you write beautifully as I've told you many times before, and I appreciate the fact that we are in completely different walks of life but still friends. I hope this friendship can continue, and I'd like it if I got the chance to show you more of my recent poetry as I don't have the same confidence in it but can imagine you'd be an honest yet kind critic.
I guess I never emailed you because we met on lj and our relationship was marked largely through poetry...we were still tryinig to know a little of each other's lives before you went off to hibernation...And I didn't want to intrude when it was your decision to stay away for some time.
I have been a fan of your writing. I would love to have a look at your poetry...I am sure you will start posting it up on your blog and I will have the pleasure of flirting with your beautifully crafted words.:)
Let us try to be more in touch this time. It feels good to be back in touch with you...It is strange how so much time has passed by and it still feels almost the same. I guess thats what they mean by the magic of internet.
It would be good to hear from you,
But I will send the email tonight. *makes a mental note of it and underlines it twice*
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