Ask not for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for THEE

Aug 19, 2006 20:48

Your walk is:
A Mix of Hopping, Dancing and Writhing in Pain

Take this quiz at

Holy Moses....Thats what I look like when I walk? I need to alter things.

On a less cheerful note, thesis night is bearing down upon us and I am scared. Really, truly, undeniably freaked out. I get sweaty hands and clammy stomach just thinking about it and choke up reading my thesis all alone in my room with no one but my totally neurotic cat watching.

And as I read my thesis over and over, great, gaping holes in my argument shoot up before my eyes.

I think this week is going to be the fastest week of my life and probabally the longest. This is surely not a natural occupation for man. Self-preservation alone should steer him clear of it.

I am going to die.
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