So. Much. Unwritten.

Jun 09, 2012 23:44

I have two things to post that I keep forgetting to do, and while I code things and all the blah blah blah (and watch John Carter XD) I will post this meme because Lise did and I feel like it. Someone push me for these, I beg of you. Some excerpts are not-so-weensy, but I dont have that many WIPs.

When you see this, post a little weensy excerpt from as many random works-in-progress as you can find lying around. Who knows? Maybe inspiration will burst forth and do something, um, inspiration-y.

1. Sam was so lost in thought that he didn’t even notice someone had joined him until Tony sat down across from him. Tony chugged half his mug with an appreciative moan before asking “Whatcha doing here at this hour, Sambo?”

Sam just shrugged. Tony had on a beat-up t-shirt and his arms were covered in grease, so he was probably in the middle of some new invention and was pulling an all-nighter. Tony had so far managed to respect Sam’s first forceful “Don’t call me Sammy” by keeping a running cycle of increasingly ridiculous names going. “Had a dream. Trying to get it to make sense.”

2. Castiel stares at Sam. He(she?) is a few inches shorter than before, bringing her to the same height as her brother. Her hair is now to her shoulders, with soft waves towards the ends. She has breasts and hips, her shirt and jeans clinging to them and hanging off everywhere else; Castiel believes she has what humans call an “hourglass figure”. All in all, Sam is a rather attractive woman.

“What has happened?” he says, realizing he’s been staring at Sam for long enough that the Winchesters have stopped fighting around him and are staring back.

“We weren’t even looking for trouble this time, honest!” Dean says, holding up his hands and attempting to look innocent. Sam snorts inelegantly, a sound that sounds so different and yet so familiar now that Sam is a woman. “I hustled some pool, and then I picked up a chick.”

“She didn’t take kindly to being tossed out,” Sam says with another vicious glare at her brother. Sam’s glare was formidable when he was a man, but becoming female seems to have made it worse; Dean goes back to hiding behind Castiel. “Turns out Dean’s new friend -” Castiel was not aware it was possible to put that much venom into two words “- is an aspiring witch, and she has a real talent for it. Put a curse on the Impala, figuring Dean would be the next one to drive it, only I was up first and went for breakfast, so I got her lovely parting gift instead.” By the end of the explanation Sam is back to trying to kill her brother, Dean is using Castiel a shield, and the angel is thoroughly fed up with the situation.

“STOP.” Both Winchesters immediately snap to attention at the command in Castiel’s voice and the flickering lights, and he uses the break in action to herd Dean into the corner of the room opposite Sam. “Dean, this is solving nothing. Do not antagonize Sam again.” Castiel glares to emphasize his point, and Dean nods sheepishly. Castiel turns his glare on the other Winchester. “Sam, stop attacking your brother. There are more pressing matters than the idiocy that comes out of his mouth.”

3. “Your brother shot Lucifer in the head with the Colt,” Castiel said over his shoulder, walking towards where Lucifer was standing earlier. “But what no human knows is that when an angel is shot with the Colt, the bullet absorbs a significant chunk of their Grace. No one is quite sure why, and it has only happened once before; the shooter was killed immediately afterwards, and the knowledge was kept solely with the angels. An archangel’s Grace will not be completely drained by a bullet, as opposed to an angel of a lower rank, but over half of their Grace will be absorbed.”

4. They figure it out completely by chance. When Sam touches Dean to change the bandages on the ugly burn the Benders left on his shoulder, he feels a flare of pain in his own shoulder and gasps, curling forward and clutching at his shoulder as he tries to breathe through it. Dean is kneeling in front of him when he can hear over the ringing in his ears, frantically asking questions. Sam uncurls slightly and allows his brother to check out his shoulder, and only freaks out a little bit when there’s a new burn wound that matches Dean’s. When they check Dean’s shoulder and find that wound gone, he stops freaking out altogether; a healing power is nothing compared to what he was afraid he could do.

5. Sam sits up with a self-deprecating smile, wiping his chin with the sleeve of his shirt. “I did die.” His expression turns bleak, even as the smile stays on his face. “It just doesn’t stick.”

“That shouldn’t be possible,” John says, still staring. “I’m a doctor, I went to medical school, I’ve been surrounded by blood and death in Afghanistan; people don’t die of a stab wound to the stomach and then just sit up seconds later. It doesn’t happen.”

“Yeah, well, I’ve always been special,” Sam says, eyes going dark with self-loathing. “I’ve got my very own guardian angel.”

“An angel who pulls you back from death?” Sherlock says. “Curious. And you obviously knew that already, so you’ve died before, and you see this as more of a curse than a blessing.” He’s staring intently at Sam, and John recognizes his ‘deduction face’ as he’s taken to calling it. “There’s something you’ve done, something recently, that you aren’t proud of. Something you think is a mistake. You don’t think you have the right to second chances.”

6. “You brought my brother to a crime scene, Castiel?” Dean’s voice is entering the ‘what do you think you’re doing to my brother’ range, and his expression is one that demands answers right that second. Sam is reminded of all the times he got into trouble and Dean or Dad would call him Samuel; the use of Castiel’s full name by Dean, who tends to give people nicknames
within minutes of meeting them, is a sign of how angry he is.

Sam decides he should intervene before Castiel finds himself on the wrong end of over-protective Dean. “I’m a big boy, Dean, and I’m not squeamish about dead bodies. I was in Afghanistan for almost three full tours.”

“Your brother is a doctor, a good one. I want him to look at the body.” Castiel says, as if he is completely unaware of the silent argument Sam and Dean are waging.

ALMOST FORGOT THIS ONE!!! Uh, this is going to be at the end of my series "Sam Winchester, Agent of SHIELD", so, uh, spoilers for that I guess? But not really. Also for Supernatural 5x22.

7. Hey, Tony,” Sam says. “If you’re watching this by yourself, can you go grab Clint and Natasha? This is for them, too. Oh, I guess you might be watching this with everyone, so, uh, hi Avengers.” Sam gives this dorky little wave that makes Clint wish he was close enough to give him shit for it. “Anyways, hey, Clint, Tony, Natasha, possibly everyone. Um, so if you’re watching this it means two things have happened.” Clint’s gut plummets and he’s mentally screaming in denial. “First and most important, this means we won. We beat the devil, Lucifer is back in his Cage.” Clint doesn’t relax at all; he can see Natasha and Tony tensing out of the corner of his eye, ready for the bad news. In the video Sam is taking a deep breath, looking deadly serious. “But I’m in the Cage with him.”\

Clint feels like all the air has gone out of the room. He can’t process what he just heard. Natasha’s eyes are wide, and Tony’s mouth is forming a silent “no”. That sad, sad smile is back on Sam’s face, and Clint doesn’t notice how hard he’s gripping the top of the couch until he hears a tearing sound. Sam keeps talking, in a soft, warm voice that makes Clint want to punch him in the face right now. “I’m sorry. But there was no other way. Things were kicking into high gear; we barely stopped massive Croatoan outbreak, and Dean had to talk Death out of not wiping out Chicago and a decent chunk of the Midwest with storms. It had to end, and I’m the only one who had even a sliver of a chance. So we opened the Cage, using the rings we got as we killed the Horsemen - except Death, but Dean won’t tell me everything that happened with that, apparently they ate pizza together - and I walked in.”

goals i will accomplish dammit, if it cant be saved avenge it, i has the crazy, brain = broken, extreme geekfest, supernatural ate my brain, my pairings totally make sense, personal internet notepad, to write or not to write, meme time

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