Fic: After the Light (GetBackers)

Apr 26, 2012 21:07

Title: After the Light
Fandom: GetBackers
Summary: Ginji and Ban, after Masaki's betrayal.
A/N: So this one is in 2 parts, both Ban and Ginji's POVs. Its as gen as you want to make it, and about as gen as the anime made it. Takes place in episode 47, spoilers from episode 43 on.

I feel nothing but pain - physical because getting blasted through the torso by Masaki's light hurts, emotional because Masaki betrayed me, I can't help Sakura or Makubex, Teshimine is gone, and I don't know what happened to Ban-chan. I want to see him, but I don't know where he is and I can't open my eyes anyways.

I don't understand anything. Masaki, why are you doing this? Why did you betray everyone, betray me like this? You haven't finished me off so I don't think you wanted to kill me. Scratch that, I know you don't want to kill me. Even if everything hurts, especially my heart, you haven't killed me and you won't.

I can hear voices, more people have come, my friends, maybe they can stop you. Even in this suffocating darkness I can hear Ban-chan, I'm so glad he's ok. Maybe he can figure out why you did this, Masaki, Ban-chan is smart - but you're gone and his chance is lost.

The floor vibrating is sending flashes of pain through my chest so people must be coming closer, they're calling my name but I can't answer. Kazu-chan sounds so worried, I want to let him know I'm ok but I don't know how. It's so dark, my body is so heavy, it's not listening when I tell it to move.

And Ban-chan…he is worried, really worried. He sounds so frantic, I can hear an edge of panic in his voice and Ban-chan doesn't panic unless he's really really worried about me. I can feel his arm around me and his hand gently hitting my face but it's like it's from far away, which is weird since if it was from far away I shouldn't be able to feel it at all, but oh well.

I want to open my eyes, smile, say I'm ok even if I'm not because Makubex and Sakura need me, just do something other than lie on the ground in pain, but my body still isn't listening. Ban-chan sounds desperate now, his voice is strained and rough around the edges. I should follow his voice, Ban-chan always leads me in the right direction and he won't fail me now.

The pain is getting worse as I drag myself out of the darkness but I can't focus on it, I have a job to do. I have to rescue MAkubex and save Sakura and get answers out of Masaki. Well, first I need to make sure Ban-chan isn't worried about me any more.

As a GetBacker, I have to get back all my friends - and that includes you, Masaki. Even if you've turned your back on me you're still my friend and I will save you, even if it's from yourself.

My body is finally listening to me! I know I just twitched a little, mostly because now the pain is burning worse than ever. I grimace and force my eyes open, mumbling "Ban-chan…" weakly because talking hurts a lot too. His arm tightens around me and the GetBackers are whole again.

Now that both of us are together again it's time to start our new job - it's time to get everyone back.

fanfic, gb

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