(no subject)

Aug 19, 2008 14:04

Dear Mr. Wesley Sonck,
So you dare to tell us Olympic football means nothing, while our Belgian Olympic team reached the semi finals. While you, in your pathetic little football career are so sad you have to join Club Bruges, who are just awful. You, who reached your top years ago. You and your national team haven't reached anything in years. Semi finals, hmm. I wonder if you even know how it feels to be in one. Don't you dare critisize our young Olympic team, because they've made a lot of people, including me, believe that there's a future for Belgian football.
Yes, so we did lose today, but I saw some actions who made me proud.

But to me, Belgian football means nothing to me, at the moment, Mr. Sonck. Let me see how Germany WILL trash you, tomorrow. 5 - 0, 6 - 0, anyone?

And no, you won't win the league this year. Because frankly, you and the other players suck. I'm not even going to go into your stoopid coach (who postpones games because they have players at the Olympics. Is he out of his freaking mind?)

With no so much love,

At first, people thought they'd be out by the time the groupstages had ended. Yes, including me. I get quite bitter when it comes to Belgian football. People thought Italy would beat them. Again, including me. But when they made it to the semi-finals, Belgium started believing again. Belgian football has a future again. And all thanks to these guys. They're heroes to me.

Dembéle, Mirallas, De Mul - those are the names of Belgian's future.
And I'm proud to say I look forward to that future.

On the other hand, my dears...leaving on holiday tomorrow.
Shall hear from you all in a week.
Keep me posted on Liverpool/La Seleccion news, people! =D
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