Dec 17, 2004 12:20
So Gus has been sick the last few days, coughing and sneezing and generally being fussy. It's the worst thing in the world because you know that they are miserable and there's nothing you can do about it. He cries and coughs and gives us these looks like "why aren't you making me better?" It's heartbreaking. Plus he can't really clear his own nose and throat, and so laying down is hard for him, so I've been having to sleep sitting in the rocking chair holding him. Not at all comfortable for me, but he sure likes it. Sean's got a job now, he's a substitute para-educator, which is like a teacher's assistant, so he's had his first gig these last two days. Not really regular work but it will bring in some bacon. Which is good since next week is Christmas and I have no presents for anyone. Gus is sitting on my lap also trying to type so this is taking twice as long as it should. OK, I'm off to Fred Meyer for diapers and stuff.