Right, this be the story of my break...
GEEEEEZE MAN!!! What a week, what a week. This past week was, as most of you know, vacation week for grade schoolers. So me mums and me sibs went to Florida. Cause we have a place donw there. A place what we doen own! We so rich!. Anywho, as with every vacation when me mums not there, I have a house full of peoples! So as it was I was expecting a good week, based on how things had gone last time I was home alone. And everything was ok, until you know, the second night... LOL. See everyone was here and a couple of folks was playing beer pong in the basement. Around 2 in the morning I heard loud shouting. I come downstairs to find my freind Joe and this kid Jeff arguing. Joe of course drunk off his ass. Joe accused Jeff of cheating and Jeff was being a bitch and egging Joe on. Me and Ben managed to keep things down, until Jeff left. Then Ben took Joe out for a cigarette. I was mega pissed cause Joe was causing so much trouble, then after a few mintues I went to see where Ben and Joe had gone. Thats when I find that Joe had taken off after Jeff, and Ben went with to keep Joe in line. So I was even more pissed. I started complaing about Joe and thats when his girlfriend comes at me in his defense sayign he did nothign wrong and pushing me and twisting my arm. I told her to get the hell out of my house. She then went downstairs to egt her stuff and broke the bunny statue my ex gf Gina gave me. Suffice to say I was beside myself. When Ben and Joe returned, Joe and his gf decided they didn't want to leave until they talked to me. So Ben comes to get me, only to be shocked by the amount of swearing I was doing. For those who don't know me, I do not swear, ever. But here I am shouting the words fuck and shit all over the place. I ended up putting a hole in my mums george forman grille. Sucks cause ealrier I was pissed at sumone else and put a hole in the living room wall. Anyway I calmed down swallowed my pride, went outside and todl Joe exactly what he needed to hear to get him to go home. I appologized for what ever he thought it was I did wrong, and told him we would talk the next day, when both parties would be calmer. That was the night Joe and his gf made the list of people not welcome in my house. The rest of the week consisted of people comign and going and hanging around. Julian became my roommate for the week. Thursday night was the last big thing. My friend Kaylins belated semi surprise party. It went well despite there being way more people and booze then I had been told there would be. Oh and my friend Duzzy showed up. He has been avoiding me outrigth for 3 years after being my best freind for 14. So that was weird. Anyway, I also managed to open my pool and clean my bathroom walls! Whoooo! Naturally I saved the hole in the wall repairs for the very last and I mean very last day. I didn't fix it til this morning, two hours before my mum got home. But except for the fact that the color doesn't blend perfectly I dont think she will notice it. Cross your fingers. Also I got asked by a tattoo artist to design some tattoos for him, so once I have the energy and time to get into the studio I'll whip them up. I am so fucking tired from this week though, LOL! Oh yea, and I ended the week with a new girlfriend! Interesting yes? Like my last gf me and MArsha (my new girl you dumbasses) have been unofficially together for a while now. Now its official!
Anyway a few pics here...
My best sketch this week, Meatwad and Master Shake from ATHF...
And a pic of my beautiful new girl...