General updates (September 2010)

Sep 20, 2010 22:03

I really should post something... LJ is getting deserted and is really not cool. Remember how we all had a time when we couldn't stop posting on LJ, memes, our lives, and stuff.


+ Who wants to know how many books I have to read for my first semester (of the second year) in college?
Wanna guess? )

life_ studies, ! life

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sunnyafternoune September 27 2010, 13:09:14 UTC
That conversation you quoted was soooo incredibly true! so.. I dunno, representative of our both situations.. mouahaha, anyway!

I miss you so much here! It's true we spent a LOT of time together visiting cities and all, so.. dunno.. it feels empty now.. :(

I see you very very very soon for more visiting cities adn you know that you're welcome whenever.. we'll go visit our the cities around madrid^^ (Toledo is just precious..)

luv u


sunnyafternoune September 27 2010, 13:12:28 UTC
and also, I totally recognize you when you imagine yourself in that house.. i'd love to come and see you there!
About the fact that you imagine your house in winter.. i won't comment! (It's a COLD season dammit!)
Still, for a house in winter, it's a damn great house!


maryyoon September 27 2010, 13:35:46 UTC
but snowy winters are beautiful!!!


maryyoon September 27 2010, 13:37:07 UTC
I'd really like to come and visit you, but money's kinda tight right now... plus, with all this "going to the US next year" nonsense, I also have to finance it (meaning saving all the money I can get my hands on at the moment).

I hate money issues!


sunnyafternoune September 29 2010, 11:49:30 UTC
je compatis!

je suis en ce moment même à des milliers de km de tous les gens que j'aime et avec qui j'ai passé des journées et des soirées entières parfois!
Et hier en allant à la réunion erasmus, je pensais rencontrer des gens seuls comme moi avec qui je pourrais faire connaissance et en fait... 90% se connaissaient déjà, des soirées en boîtes organisées, de la cité u, tout ça tout ça... j'ai un goût amer de déjà vu, où je sens les gens faux et pas intéressants, superficiels comme dans ma section d'histoire à la fac.
Faut s'accrocher pour rencontrer les bonnes personnes, ne pas abandonner et ne pas chercher dans les sentiers battus.
bon courage!



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