My tweets

Dec 13, 2021 12:00

  • Mon, 00:55: RT @ History_Ukraine: Гадяцький договір - угода, укладена з ініціативи гетьмана Івана Виговського між Річчю Посполитою і Україною, що передб…
  • Mon, 00:56: RT @ CultureReframed: Learning that your child or young person may be negatively impacted by pornography can be disturbing and upsetting. Ac…
  • Mon, 00:57: RT @ womensart1: UK sculptor known as Anna & the Willow creates nature-inspired sculptures made from rods of willow #WomensArt #400K 💚 https…
  • Mon, 00:58: RT @ WomenReadWomen: An estimated 41% of Syrian girls were married before their 18th birthday, alongside a rise in "forced puberty" - inject…
  • Mon, 00:59: RT @ Yupiterian:
  • Mon, 01:00: RT @ ComradeHedgehog: Your friendly weekly reminder that prostitution is a global-scale hate crime against women and children. Thank you.
  • Mon, 01:01: RT @ jk_rowling: War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. The Penised Individual Who Raped You Is a Woman.
  • Mon, 09:54: RT @ mhmck: Nothing the West does will deter Russia because Russia already invaded Ukraine 7 years 9 months ago. It’s war. The West will ei…
  • Mon, 09:57: RT @ mhmck: United States interests do not end at NATO’s borders. The U.S. gave security assurances to Ukraine in the Budapest Memorandum.…
  • Mon, 09:58: RT @ JeanHatchet: In the early 1970s women sat around and talked, some of them often for the first time, very honestly, about the violence t…
  • Mon, 11:47: RT @ artofhunger75: This tweet is ten days old and still up. I know women banned for life from this app for calling someone “dude” they lost…

twitter, #400k, #womensart

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