May 21, 2021 12:00
- Thu, 16:02:
- Thu, 16:02: RT @ jozefkneht1: В 2017 році Порох сказав, у декого з-під вишиванок виглядають косоворотки. Дехто вирішив не паритися і зняв вишиванку, що…
- Thu, 16:04: RT @ transwomyn: #NotAllWomen 💁🏼♀️💕
- Thu, 16:07: RT @ LabelFreeBrands:
- Thu, 16:10: RT @ equalitynow: Important investigation by @ TRF & @ newhumanitarian found that more than 70 Congolese women said they were coerced into tra…
- Thu, 16:11: RT @ leslierenfrew: #Dogs can better detect Covid in humans than lateral flow tests... 😬
- Thu, 16:12: RT @ G7AmbReformUA: The G7 Ambassadors’ Reform Group wishes 🇺🇦 a very happy #VyshyvankaDay! Група послів країн Великої сімки з підтримки ре…
- Thu, 16:12: RT @ WhrcG: 1. Germany voted against #SelfID! 🎉 The draft of FDP (Free Democratic Party) 181 pro 461 contra. The draft of DIE GRUENEN (The…
- Thu, 16:12: RT @ mykolayovych45: говорю про це вже 2 роки.
- Thu, 16:13: RT @ Kati19024301: Discussing SGBV prevention in Orom Sub-County with the newly formed SGBV structure. "We are tired of the violence! We hav…
- Thu, 16:13: RT @ giwps: Starting now: join us for the final event in our series on #TheWayForward for gender equality. Today we’ll discuss how to ensure…
- Thu, 18:33: RT @ eternalrailway: Зеленський, який вбив сержанта Журавля, зламав життя Аноненку і Кузьменко і вбив десятки тисяч, забивши на епідемію ков…
- Thu, 18:33: RT @ PankhurstEM: Sex Denialism: 'in order to treat women and girls so terribly, to sell them, to inflict such suffering and misery, one has…