My tweets

Jul 05, 2020 12:00

  • Sat, 19:40: RT @ SamBarber1910: One of the most disgusting things I've seen on @ jack's platform. Here, a Men's Rights Activist is threatening and abusin…
  • Sat, 22:04: RT @ MavicCBalleza: Equally privileged to have been part of the advocacy for the establishment of @ UN_Women n very grateful to work w/ commi…
  • Sat, 22:04: RT @ WomenReadWomen: "Paedophiles who use child sex dolls could escalate into abusing children, a new report has warned. There is nothing t…
  • Sat, 22:05: RT @ NWCI: “And I know I can’t speak for other marginalised communities, but I want to speak with them. I am not a migrant. I am not a refug…
  • Sat, 22:05: RT @ ExodusCry: "Holding companies like MindGeek responsible is vital if one hopes the situation to get better by any means...So next time y…
  • Sat, 22:05: RT @ jk_rowling: So true. Without my ovaries I wouldn’t have feelings or emotions. My husband is basically a fleshy robot incapable of feeli…
  • Sat, 22:07: RT @ LailaMickelwait: Pornhub lashed out in response to the #Traffickinghub viral video exposing their crimes by saying they have an “extens…
  • Sat, 22:09: RT @ lisitcya: *Людина бореться з ПП, *Зе перемагає, *Людина радіє, *Зе виявився лайном, *Людина вважає, що ПП не достатньо бореться з Зе. -…
  • Sun, 09:18: RT @ WomenReadWomen: This is the "movement" taking away women's rights. Women aren't even allowed to be an authority on our own reality. #S
  • Sun, 09:19: RT @ manwhohasitall: GENUINE QUESTION: How can men expect women to know what needs doing around the house??? Women aren't mind readers.
  • Sun, 09:20: RT @ PavloKlimkin: "Два регулятора - не один регулятор". Якщо в один день ми звільняємо керівників двох провідних регуляторних структур: Нац…
  • Sun, 09:21: RT @ YasMohammedxx: Love this man, and all men like him who support women fighting to be #FreeFromHijab 💗🏆🙌👑
  • Sun, 09:21: RT @ poroshenko: Важко уявити, що за виконання своєї конституційної функції, за вихід на рекордний рівень за 28 років незалежності будуть зн…
  • Sun, 09:23: RT @ malitskiy_: КОГО КЛИКАТИ: - якщо вам потрібно покосити траву на шкільному стадіоні - кличте Кошулинського; - якщо вам потрібно зруйнува…
  • Sun, 09:24: RT @ ariana_erbon: What it means to be born in a female body!
  • Sun, 09:26: RT @ RoseKalemba: Nothing is ever going to be the same & I am not okay. & I’m no longer playing nice with a soul on this planet who wants to…
  • Sun, 09:26: RT @ disobedientdyke: "black bears spend 20 hours a day looking for food" Y'all please refer to me as beargender from now on because I ide…
  • Sun, 09:28: RT @ RadfemJana: #nofgm #EndFGM I lost my dear sister to complications from FGM. She died after 5 days of horrible suffering. She is one of…
  • Sun, 09:29: RT @ LilyLilyMaynard: I’m donating again. In the light of Tesco supporting Mermaids and Wagamama supporting Gendered Intelligence, we need a…
  • Sun, 09:32: RT @ LailaMickelwait: .@ nbcsnl Hey Saturday Night Live do you remember a couple of months ago when you did a commercial for Pornhub? Here is…

#s, #nofgm, #endfgm, #freefromhijab, twitter, #iran, #traffickinghub

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