More Stupidness and Frustration

Apr 01, 2012 19:08

Just ranting a bit. It seems to be the only thing I use this journal for.

I need someone to tell me it's okay haha. Like serious. Someone help me out here!

So the situation....*sigh* Here we go.

I work in retail. My job is to sell stuff. It's what I do. It's how I do. I sell stuff.

I get regulars sometimes and I don't always know their names and sometimes I do. This particular regular I didn't know his name but he was a cool guy. I was fine with him and he was fine with me. So one day he walks in my manager tries to sell him something that was the same thing he was looking for but it was a better deal. I make a point to not try to oversell people on stuff. I'll only try to convince them to buy something if I truly think they would be getting a better deal with what I want them to have.

So my manager tries to sell the guy this thing and he doesn't want. It absolutely didn't want it. My manager had me come over and explain to guy again why he should get what my manager was trying to push because it was a better deal. So I explained to him again why it was better than what he was trying to get. He still didn't want it. My manager kept pushing him to get the other deal though and I was reiterated that he would be saving money blah blah blah. Guy eventually broke down and got it.

He didn't seem like he was getting aggravated with my manager and me so I didn't think of it. Then a few days later one of my co-workers tell me I bothered his cousin about buying something. It took me a while to remember what it was but then I found out it was that same guy. I had no idea this guy was my co-worker's cousin and I also didn't know he was so upset that we tried to sell him that thing. He just didn't seem aggravated or annoyed so I didn't think anything of it. Apparently he was really angry about it though.

Even though I barely know the guy it's really been bothering me for some reason. I don't know why! I think it's because it was my co-worker's cousin. I know I'm at fault cause people hate those sales people who try to oversell things, but I try so hard not to do that and I didn't feel like I was doing it with his guy. I guess I'm starting to fall into the "salesperson" persona and not even realizing it. I just don't feel like this should bother me so much cause I also don't feel like it was so much of a big deal. I mean if a salesperson tried to oversell me something I personally wouldn't get so angry about it, but then again that's just me! *sigh*

I dunno. Just another hump in life I guess. 
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