Sep 21, 2010 19:52
I have many many regrets n this life. things I have done, things I haven't done. Major screw ups.
I don't know how to change the past. I have been forgiven for so much of it.I have been *very* **very** fortunate.
however, sometimes I just get fed up. And so, I decided to change something i *could* change. Something very minor, indeed.. but oh so satisfying. nothing earth-shattering or healing to those who I have wounded, unfortunately. but hey... it was something that could be done.
Wendy and I went out and had my hair coloured. She has been after me for a couple of years to do that. So...
It sure turned out strange... an odd shade of strawberry blonde. And I *do* mean strawbery! I am no longer a greying mouse. the grey parts happily turned into delicate little blonde streaks, and are now cute. the rest.. just stange, in my opiion. bu that's ok. It is changeable.
Now, how to take control and change things that are in thepast? things that are now seem unsurmountable. Wish me luck. I have hurt far far too many of those I love. And too many times.