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Mary Victoria. Please leave any
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Well, we’re halfway through the ‘Place as Person’ series and I don’t know about you guys, but I’m having a blast reading all these posts. Everyone has taken a slightly different tack and that’s as it should be - I’m loving every single one of these explorations.
So far, we’ve had Joyce Reynolds Ward speaking about place as character, and the ‘River’ of her own experience; Tim Jones gave us the iconic arctic scapes of his obsession, while Irene Radford evoked the waterfalls that inspired her. Angela Slatter and Joshua Palmatier speak about the craft of evoking place, and real or fictional settings that have swept them away, creating that special magic. And Helen Lowe told us about her own fictional world and its slow wakefulness.
Over the next few days, more wonderful writers will be popping by to share their thoughts on ‘Place as Person’. Stay tuned for Alma Alexander, Gillian Polack, Jacey Bedford, Lisa Hannett, Tiffany Trent, Alan Baxter and more bright minds… Each bringing us a bit of their own writerly magic, celebrating all the real magic out there in the world, right in front of our eyes.
In the meantime, may the rivers you cross always know your name.