Apr 17, 2009 10:18
Like most things I plan to do and then get distracted from shortly after I start them (read the countless times I have intended to start grad school, an exercise program, reading 'The Art of War' ... ) my '1 serving of food' experiment failed ... well, more accurately it got pushed out of my conscience b/c more pressing things moved in ... namely training - which frankly does not afford me the luxury of limiting my caloric intake.
I only bring this up b/c last night I was cleaning off the memory card of my camera, something I rarely do but am trying to be better about so I always have room to catch those moments that are so fleeting and be able to preserve them forever ...
and I saw the perfectly orderly presentations of what I ate for 5 days and I was surprised at how nicely they were displayed. But seeing them also made me hungry .... mmmm ... I think it is snack time!