A couple of writing memes stolen from browsing friends-of-friends-of-friends journals. XD;;
evvj, I am totally ganking this from you. =D
..you know how sometimes you read something and you're like, "I got ___ out of this story, I wonder if I have that right?" or "What on earth was ____ supposed to be?" and it's too awkward to ask the author? Now you could totally ask!
...So, if you want, ask me questions! "What were you trying to do [here]? Why did you decide to ____? This is what I thought about xyz, is that what you were going for? What made you write ____? Why did you decide to do [this] instead of [that]?" And so on.
Tell me about a story I haven't written, and I'll give you between one and three sentences (MAYBE MORE) from that story.
Come at me, guys!