Story Or Series Title:
My first Ficcy Fandom: X-Men: Evolution
Culprit Author's Name: Farbror-Tryggve
Sue 1: Full Name (plus titles if any): Marie von Creutzfeld (nee De Salvio), known as Phantom.
Full Species(es): Half-vampire mutant.
Hair Color (include adjectives): "Blond with brown streaks, waist length".
Eye Color (include adjectives): Brown.
Unusual Markings/Colorations: "two small puncture marks on the neck"
Special Possessions (if any): None.
Annoying Special Abilities: Has plated skeleton and two retractable adamantium blades on her forearms. Has thanks to being semi-vampire(will be explained) super strength/reflexes, healing factor and flying capabillity.
Other Annoying Traits: Is around 900 years old but looks 17.
Sue 2: Julia von Creutzfeld, known as Crow.
Full species: Semi-vampire mutant.
Hair color: "Brown with indigo bangs, reaching to just below her shoulder blades"
Eye color: "One red, and one blue".
Unusual Markings/Colorations: Pointed ears and fangs. "Has two jet black featherd wings".
Special Possessions: None.
Annoying Special Abilities: She has the abbility to project heat from her forearms in the shape of heat-rays, the heat can be of different degrees and intensity. Anything from merely making a person sweat to melting steel. When using her power her forarms starts to glow a reddish yellow and the bones are vivble as black shapes.
Other Annoying Traits: None.
Stu: Alex (or Alec) von Creutzfeld, known as Gespenst.
Full Species: Mutant, bitten by a vampire.
Hair Color: Gray/black.
Eye color: "Red irises and pupilles, his rigth one gleams red".
Unusual Markings/Colorations: Muscular, pointed ears, prehensile tail and fangs. body is covered in fur in gray/black colour(more towards black but there's a grey pattern that criss-crosses all of his body , mind you, and his body looks like it´s only 18). And he has two small puncture marks on his neck.
Special Possessions: None.
Annoying Special Abilities: Plated skeleton, and has two retractable adamantium blades on his fore arms, one on each arm. And thanks to being bitt by a vampire(will be explained) has super strength/reflexes, a healing factor and flying capabillity.
Other Annoying Traits: 918 years old, but looks 18.
Annoying Origin: Their house is attacked and they go to Xavier's.
Annoying Connections To Canon Characters: They presumably already know Xavier, and meet Logan and Storm at the school.
Please include a small sample of the worst of this story:
Chapter 1, the beggining
Alec sighed. Both he and Marie had lying in front of the T.V the entire day, he only wearing pants and marie underwear and a T-shirt. "Man, zere´s nothing on", he said and sighed again. Marie smiled and nuzzled against his chest, "Vell, i zink zere´s a Metallica concert on MTV, let´s vatch" she said and reached for the remote.
As the channel switched and the tones of Nothing Else Matters started to play she she purred like a cat and nesteld in his arms. As the song changed they simply lay still and listened to the music and sharing many passionate kisses.
After a few songs a commercial break finally broke the sound of music from the T.V, and both of them walked out to the small kitchen to get some snacks. And when the tunes of For Whom The Bell Tolls started to play both of them raced back to the couch and landed in a heap on it. And just then a one of Alecs very rare romantic moods came, "I hope zat zey vill play a slow one soon again" he said and grinned smugly as his tail curled around Maries waist, "yeah, me too..." she trailed of, and kissed him again, and soon the two where enganed in a all out tickle war, that soon had them both sprawling across eachother, Alecs tail still on her waist.
Then both of them bolted upwards as if someone had stabbed them, "zey are here" he whispered, fear written all over him. Marie looked on him and then realised what he was talking about. "Mein gott, ve have to run...." Alec growled, "Run, zat´s all ve do, let´s figth it can´t be proffesonials, ve heard them." Marie nodded and then grinned, "I´m kinda thirsty, aren´t you?". Alec smiled very evily, a hint of remorse in his eyes.
Greg looked at his partner, "so what do you think, should we just barge in via the front door or what? Sam, his partner smiled "well it´s only ordinary mutants we´re talking about here." And then they kicked in the door. "What the hell... it´s emp...", the sentence got ended by an horrified scream. Sam looked behind him and then he got sligthly creeped. "C´mon Greg this aint funny"
Alec was hiding in the shadowy closet next to the door, and when he heard one of them speak, he slowly pushed the door open and drug one of the men in, and then plunged his fangs in his throat drinking deeply. The man gave a up a horrified scream but could not free himself, and when he was empty Alec threw his body straigth trough the wall, and heard the other man scream as well, but that was stopped by another wall chrashing down and Marie jumping through the hole and attack the othe man, draining him to.
As Alec strode out in the hallway he saw Marie dropping the body and turned around, both of them was covered with blood. Then he got a serious look on his face, "ve have to go, but ve also need some other stuff to I´ll handle it." Marie grinned and nodded, "Sure, vant to help me get rid of zis blood zen, leibe?". He grinned "sure just get yourself to ze bedroom and i´ll be zere" he said. She nodded, "I´ll go and tell Julie to prepare to leave for Xaviers."