Story or Series Title:
We're All a Little Horse TodayFandom: Star Wars and Friendship Is Magic
CulpritAuthor's Name:
MacsmareFull Name: Darth Gimli
Full Species: Iktotchi, then unicorn. Luke Skywalker becomes an alicorn while Corran Horn and Kirana Ti become unicorns and Han Solo becomes a pegasus.
Mane Color (Include Adjectives): Gray
Eye Color (Include Adjectives): Not given
Unusual Markings/Colorations: Cutie mark is a lightning bolt.
Special Possessions:
Annoying Origin: Definitely not the Rule of Two
Annoying Connections to Canon Characters: Drags three Jedi and the First Husband into Equestria. Breaks Rarity's horn, threatens Derpy Hooves and Big Macintosh for no known reason
Annoying Special Abilities: Knows the Expanded Universe well enough the know who Hego Damask was and yet writes this
Other Annoying Traits: yfghbimkik09i9--lp[
The Summary
Red will represent the Bluetit this spork.
Green will represent the Tree Swallow this spork.
Blue will represent the Superb Lyrebird this spork.
Black always represents Tawaki.
We're All a Little Horse Today » by Macsmare Breet! Breet! Red flag right there! reviews All t'ree of zem squeeing. *HEADBRANCH*
What happens when three Jedi chase a Sith into Equestria? The PPC brings in Disentanglers, that's what. Terror, danger, and... headbranching. hilarity?
Crossover - Star Wars & My Little Pony - Fiction Rated: Five white splotches K+ - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 537 too many - Reviews: 3 - Updated: 3-29-12 - Published: 3-22-12 - - Luke S. & Twilight Sparkle
Let the WTF begin
Star Wars belongs to Lucasfilm, My Little Pony to Hasbro. King Caspian and Legolas (alluded to an author's note) belong to Walden Media and New Line Cinema, respectively. Zis Suecrivain does not 'ave an INKLING 'oo really wrote zem. The name Gimli also belongs to New Line. *HEADBRANCH*
“Where the kriff is Han?” asked Luke to the FicPsych nurse who was helping him become tranquility personified again. noone in particular.
“Paging through Hego Damask's old flies,” replied Han Solo from a room off to the side. "Who knew he collected zippers?" Go to your tree. Go. To. Your. TREE!
“Find anything?”
“Verification of what you said the resurrected Emperor told you about him being that Plagueis bastard.” Because a Dark Lord of ze Sit' would definitely leave record of 'is secret identity lying around where a search could turn it up, right?
SNIP! They sense a disturbance, meet Corran Horn and Kirana Ti, and find a dead scientist, and then an Iktotchi appears and they all get sucked into a vortex. They get turned into ponies. Luke's is apparently identical to Twilight Sparkle's, Corran Horn's is a magnifying glass, Kirana Ti's is crossed lightsabers, and Han's is a blaster.
“ Ha!” called the Dark Jedi. “You gotta get up earlier than that to stop old Darth Gimli.” *in a perfect imitation of Scootaloo's voice* NOOOOOOOO!
Darth Gimli. It didn't take a Qwi Xux to realize that what meant. Defilement of ze canon.
SNIP! The Flower Trio are freaking out as usual and Rarity asks what's up.
“Are ponies fighting over a doll again?” Just then, an anvil flew out of nowhere and snapped her horn clean off. Zou darest. Zou DAREST! Applejack may be best pony, but nopony does that to Rarity. I second the second part of that, but I must point out that "Fluttershy" does not start with A. “AAAAAAA! A SIMPLE NO WOULD DO!”
===Twilight and Corran 4ever!=== This is supposed to be a scene transition. What.
Derpy Hooves was delivering a package to Sweet Apple Acres. “Is Applejack at home?” she asked.
“Eeyup,” replied Big Macintosh. “I'll go fetch her.” Just then a violet unicorn arrived, (the Stu) leviting a metal cylinder with a beam of red light, as long as a pony, coming from it. “Nopony move,” he said.