Story Or Series Title:
The Lilly We Nevar Seen, (her spelling, not mine.)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Culprit Author's Name:
Lily rock Full Name (plus titles if any): There are three of them;
Angel Marin
Meme, (yes, like 'internet meme')
Full Species(es): Holy mother of all things.......baaaaaaaadly written Mary-Sues
Hair Color (include adjectives): Adjectives? This girl can't even spell adjectives.
Angel: Pink
Fufu: Not stated
Meme: Not stated
Eye Color (include adjectives): Not stated for any of them. In fact. Nothing much is stated at all, but what is stated makes me want to gouge my eyes out of my face with my fingernails.
Unusual Markings/Colorations: Not stated.
Special Possessions (if any): Not stated. Though I'd guess that the canon is in their possession and they are keeping it a secret, because I sure as hell can't find any here.
Annoying Origin: U.S.A. No offence to people.......IN AMERICA, (sorry, I had to make an abridged reference XD), But this 'fic' states that Lily transferred from the US. Along with Angel, Fufu and Meme.
Annoying Connections To Canon Characters: THEY'RE IN A BAND. Called, 'Death Angel's' They all have nicknames.
Lily: Black Lil's
Meme: Black Rose
Fufu: Not stated, but I guess, 'Black Fu' probably.
Angel: GUESS. 'Black Angel'
Annoying Special Abilities: The ability to not have the common courtesy to spell correctly when they swear.
Other Annoying Traits: Does 'existing' count?
Please include a small sample of the worst of this story: (Do NOT post more than half of a chapter, whole chapters, or whole stories, regardless of how short they are)
Oh dear. Look at these two, (my eye-gougingest worst favorites).
"Meme: GO TO HELL YOU MOTHER FOUKER… your dead to me…your dead to me….Over and over again I know I can get thought without you.
At that pint the boys came in saying. "You can really sing, but what with that song?"
Lily Yelled "GAT THE FOUK OUT!""
Yes. You saw that right. Lily told them to 'GAT THE FOUK OUT!' Strong words Miss Evans. Strong words.
"James was sitting with his friends.
When a girl with pink hair walk up to him.
"Hi I'm Angel."
"I'm James this is Sirius, Rumus, and Peter.""
Tell me, who's 'Rumus'? I think this author may know more about canon than I do, and that would be very scary for that to happen. And the way it's written, on the page, I thought it was a poem at first. Apparently not.......
I sincerely want this to be a troll. But part of me knows this isn't and that part of me is, (probably), right. Then, for reasons only known to said author, (or maybe she is just some kind of Tara-esque sadist), the last chapter is repeated. WITH A NOTE ASKING TO R&R! I have a feeling she fills her spare time by: to lie down a little...