Hi everyone! I got another one for ya...
Story Or Series Title:
Wizards ChessFandom: Harry Potter
Culprit Author's Name:
Full Name (plus titles if any): Bishop Lunavairous Black, nicknames Bishi (Yea I know...)
Full Species(es): Nothing in here that says anything but human...
Hair Color (include adjectives): No description yet...I bet it'll be raven or something stupid.
Eye Color (include adjectives): Nothing!
Unusual Markings/Colorations: Nothing here...no scars, although I"m sure there will be...
Special Possessions (if any): Personal letters from Dumbledore, does that count?
Annoying Origin: Ugh, where to start? She is the tragic spawn of Marius Black (A squib) and Vivaine Potter Black (Aura who's really a death eater in disguise...) Apparantly as we can see...she hates her family...
Annoying Connections To Canon Characters: Well, she is supposed to be very close to the Marauders...she's a cousin of Sirius Black AND James Potter...right....
Annoying Special Abilities: The ability to complain about her family and friends till your eyes bleed...or maybe the ability to have the abilities of a very experienced Auror at the age of 17...ability to threaten hats into changing her house...>.>She can send messages through her patronus, copy other peoples patronus'...Oh! And don't forget the ability to warp the canon so badly that you don't recognize James Potter...)
Other Annoying Traits: *Pulls out list...* She can outdo trained experienced Auras, Death Eaters and teachers with both hands tied behind her back. She is the personal protector of Dumbledore himelf, as if he really needs one...she can apparantly tell the future....patronizing the other characters...
Because I have to cut this, I'll only keep the worst....
It was all some strange lie that I'd been dragged into. Not that I had never dreamed of this. But they were all nightmares. It was all father's idea. (Of course, it's never their fault...)Strange really since mother was an Auror, but after I'd been branded I found out that she was a Death Eater who hadn't been marked so that she could work inside the Ministry to tell the Dark Lord - Voldemort - what was going on and what the Ministry's plans were. (I don't quite think it works that way...) Bitch that she is. Anyway, my father is a Squib. Marius Black. My mother, Vivaine Potter Black actually fell in love with the bastard. As you can see, I don't like my family much.(Oh I had no clue!) Hell, considering the name they gave me its enough to hate them. (Yes, yes that is...) Bishop Lunavairous Black. Do you think my mother was drunk on firewhiskey when she gave birth to me? (Hell yes!) Yes indeed! So because of my first name which, by the way is a piece in wizard chess, I have two nicknames to those rare few who don't call me Bishop. My father, the only one who ever calls me this, calls me Bishi (At least it's not short for Bishonen...wait...). I hate it with a burning passion. The last person besides him that called me that, well he is now in St. Mungo's for a permanent stay. (Maybe you should join him?) Ahem, anyway, or some people call me Bee. Again I hate it. But I put up with it because it just means I get to hex them later. (Okay Bellatr-I mean Bee...)
So, I'm a seventh year student at Hogwarts, and I forgot to mention. I'm a double agent. I work for Dumbledore himself, his personal gaurd. (What?!)Well okay I was a double agent and now I'm just his personal gaurd. Don't ask me how it happened, but he wants me nearby. (Then Dumbledore has really gone senile...) Maybe cause I have extremely intimate knowledge of the Dark Lord's antics. (I don't think he's that stupid...) Yeah, you don't want to know. (No..I really don't...) Anyway I'm in Gryffindor, previously a Slytherin (Oh come on...) but after some serious begging and a few threats to that god damned hat, I was re-sorted as I was being tortured to often in my own common room. (I really don't think that works that way...*Applauds Slytherin Torture Squad*) So now that I've given you a bit of history to me, I must tell you that I am going to go insane if my cousin doesn't stop attempting to hex the back of my head! (Too late...ahem, just let him do it...please just let him do it...)
It was kind of sad to think that she and James were the exact same age, hell even born on the same day, and yet she was so much more mature than him. ( That's so hard to believe if you go by above...And I bet she's so much smarter than Remus, and so much stronger than Sirius, and so much prettier than lily, etc., etc. etc...) Though it did help to be his favorite cousin (why?), considering he was especially good at Transfiguration, where as she was not. (Huh...a flaw? There might be hope for her yet!) Her best subjects were Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts. Neither were surprising. (Scratch that...because all of the noteworthy people are all for the DADA and Potions...there so aren't other subjects...) On more than one occassion she had been the supplier for many a Death Eater when it came to potions. (A seventeen year old? Now unless Death Eater is another term for Skooma junkie, that makes no sense...*todays news...all known Death Eaters were killed lastnight due to unintentional poisoning...*) As for the whole Defence Against the Dark Arts bit. Reformed Death Eater (What?), so it wasn't really all that surprising that she was a whiz at it. (Of course not! Now maybe she should join the other hundreds of students who can stupify.) Hell she was better than the teacher in some places. (If that is the standard, Hogwarts must suck...) Such as Unforgivable Curses (That is ILLEGAL, they don't teach those...must resist...murder...), or shielding charms. Though she specialized in the Patronus Charm. Even being able to create another person's Patronus to fool certain items that were locked specifically to one person's Patronus. (WTF...) A rare gift as their teacher put it. She didn't really care. She could also send messages with her Patronus, something only Dumbledore himself could do until she apparently learned how. (Dumbledore, one of the greatest wizards of all time, on the level of her?)
Opening up the letter she read it over.
There is going to be an O.O.T.P. meeting. Also, please come to my office, I'd like to discuss my socks with you. It seems that they have gone missing. I'd preffer if you came alone. Do not be seen. Use your Patronus to send word if you are stopped by a teacher on your way, as they don't need to know about my sock collecting hobby. (He must really be senile....)
p.s. Do you have any more sugar quills? They're quite addicting. (Yep...)
Chuckling Bishop pointed the wand at herself, removing the silencing charm. "See ya later boys. I've got a date with a couple of socks." They looked at her funny, but she really could careless.
That hurt my eyes...this is horrible. Horrid, horrid horrible!