Mary Sue by proxy

May 21, 2004 21:32

So okay, I was poking around the challenge section of Seventh Dimension thinking I might get some little nibblings of ideas for the 40 or so drabbles I'm planning on writing this week. (KIDDING! Sort of...)

Didn't have much luck, aside from a crossover idea, which is good because I can't come up with any more ideas on my own at this point.

Anyhow, what I found much more of was an odd little thing I'm calling MarySue-By-Proxy Syndrome. This is where someone challenges other writers to write a Mary Sue for them. The following are the best, though the fourth one hurts the most - for the spelling alone.

As my husband commented: "Well, I suppose it's a good thing that third graders are taking an interest in Highlander..."

Please, if this is improper use of this comm, just let me know. All of the following were fic ideas/challenges posted publicly to the Seventh Dimension Highlander fic archive.

how about a story about duncan macleod meet a woman who is like him but hasn't had as many lovers as he has and her name is dixie elizabeth henson and she is from scotland like he is and they fall in love while they are trying to kill and immortal that is after her.

I'd like to see a story with methos as the main character(preferably first person point of view). There once was an old immortal who had unique powers that made her practically invincible. After going on a killing rampage she was finally captured by the British gov. After several failed attempts to execute her they built a prison specifically to hold her until she died of old age, which she never got around to doing. Amanda steals something that will help this immortals cohorts free her from prison.she passes this on to methos not knowing what it is and then gets arrested and sent to jail. methos is offered amanda's freedom for what she stole.

I was trying to find a story that gave Macleod a sister. Like maby she turns up like a regular street rat. He and Ritchie and Joe and all of them get to know her and Joe gives her a job at his bar, Basicly Macleod looks at her like he did Ritchie a lost kid that needs help, always has a wise crack to make and seems alittle wise beyond her age. Shes mortal but geniticly she is Macleods biological sister, It would make an interesting story trying to exsplain how that could be. now wouldnt it?

My challenge is what if Duncan had an immortal daughter he has rais secen infency her name is Sara Elithabeth ( you could change the name.) and is a little over proted of her. She is a bit of a daddys girl but very smart and very athlect. Also has a mind of her own and like her dad could be very subernd and very beauteful. Ever secen she could reameber she has always know about immortals and the game. And because of the game her mother was beheaded by an immortal. Sara Elitheth saw her mother died at age 6. While they where still liveing in Londen, Egland. Duncan has taught his daughter how to fight with different kinds of sowads and in many different kinds martlarts. She is very smart she know's how to speak many different langhers. She has an eye for jellary and antius. Only Connor, Amanda, and Casandra know that Sara Elithabeth is Duncan's daughter also they help rais her espichilly Amanda who was a big help. When Duncan and his daughter wher in Berlane the had an argument about a guy Sara Elithbeth fell for when she was 18 years old. So she left with the guy and that was the last time they saw each other. Till one day Sara Elithbeth travel to Seacove to go and see her father and make amends or for him to say sorry to her. But on the way she meats Methos and they fall for each other. So what is every bodys reactino when they find out Duncan has a daughter and what is Duncan's reactino to Sare Elithabeth and Methos relationshp?

Just adding to the pain quotient of everyone's day.



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