Things are strange.

Oct 04, 2008 17:50

[I am

I just randomly checked if my thesis is in the OPAC of the uni library and guess what? Someone took it home with them. Some kind, brilliant soul took a look at my baby, thought gosh, I just HAVE to read this and went home with it. Is this how authors feel? Because it's a damn rush, I'm telling you.

It's been a damn stressful week, so I'm only now updating myself about your lovely lives - feel free to point stuff out to me.

I will never be able to watch The Nanny again. If you've watched ep1 of Californication, you'll know why. Wargh.

I miss Bill Bailey :'[

I have to admit to being slightly underwhelmed by JB's new single. But then again, I knew that when I read months ago who penned it *shrugs* Still so goddamn excited about the album, though.

Only just now got around to reading "Making Money", am halfway through, and my question is this: WHERE THE FUCK IS THE MOIST/BENT SLASH, PEOPLE!! Also, Bent = &hearts &hearts &hearts And he doesn't even sparkle!

books, discworld, tv, john barrowman, thesis, omg porn

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