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Oof. I think I'm almost over my bad cold now - having yesterday off helped.
Am I the only who wants Amanda to end up with Wickham? It's just that I think she has a way better chance of being happy with him.
Finished XF S3 - I'd completely forgotten how many brilliant episodes that season has. It's just that I still find the conspiracy eps totally boring.
I'm still doing the whole watching tv shows and having favourite couples wrong. It's bad enough with Torchwood (I adore Gwen while shipping Jack/Ianto! Gosh! ... It probably helps that I am watching a completely different show from 90% of the fandom. You know, where Gwen has a lovely little crush on Jack (and hey, who doesn't), but loves Rhys, who rocks; Jack loves everyone madly, but is in love with Ianto, and Ianto is not some spineless little emo-kid, but has Jack whipped and swaps sex-stories with Gwen. Strange how the show seems to prove me right.), and now Firefly, too. So yeah, my favourite pairing is Mal/Simon, but my favourite character is Inara, and I adore the Mal/Inara stuff and totally ship Simon/Inara (because GUH). So okay, I love all characters, but Inara is gorgeous and elegant and sweet and funny and has lots of sex and wears beautiful clothes. I'm shallow, you knew that.
Oh, does anyone have the song "She Comes At The End Of The Day" by Michel van Dyke? There's no way to get it anywhere, not even as a YouTube-rip :(