[I am
[and listening to "Love Is Dead" by Brett Anderson]
Am now at 2.10 of X-Files, and boy, is it weird to watch all those early episodes again. The entire thing is so different from what for me is the typical X-eppy (say, late third season to season six or seven) - it's so grey and grainy and experimental. Colourless. Not that that's bad, it's just very different from, say, "Home", which is one of my favourite episodes. There's a very obvious shift between the first two or three seasons and the later ones, and I'm not talking about the move to California.
I think the two most brilliant episodes of S1 are "Eve" and "Beyond The Sea". Especially the acting in "Beyond The Sea" takes my breath away. Wow, Gillian Anderson. From S2, my favourite so far is "Blood". Let's see how the rest works out. (It's funny, because I honestly haven't seen those episodes since I was what, 15? It's interesting to see when and how my perception of an episode changes from what I remember feeling about it back then.)