shunnnnnnnnnnnnn the non-believer, shuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnn

Feb 19, 2008 16:04

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DAMMIT. Candy Mountain has been stuck in my brain for three days now. This is just as bad as Magical Trevor was. Only more quote-worthy. "It’s just over this bridge, Charlie! This magical bridge of hope and wonder!" - "Is anyone else getting, like, covered in splinters?!"

Finally got around to watching Cloverfield, and I enjoyed it a lot. It's not *good*, but I had a lot of fun (okay, I read the m15m version before I read it, that always helps), and I think it's one of those movies that is best watched with some friends and some alcohol. Not in the cinema, though - I think I might get sick as well if I had to watch it on the big screen. I liked it better than Blair Witch Project, at least. I remember watching that one in the theatre and not really getting it. Woo, stick figures. Scary.

So my Sims are all made up of characters from TV, movies, or books (or, uhm, fanfic), but I caved and put John and Scott in as well - with the weird, but very amusing result that Scott tends to hang out with Jack and Ianto, uses their swimming pool, and then tries to chat up Ianto while wearing only a skimpy speedo. He even follows Ianto to the loo *headdesks* On the other hand, in my Tardis house Martha and Rose have sort of hooked up, while Donna holds the record for having most friends, and Ten, uh, is just there. Heh.

movies, lolz!, torchwood, doctor who, john barrowman, omg porn

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