[I am
[and listening to "Duel" by Propaganda]
The third will bring you to your knees...
I started watching my way through "Supernatural", mainly because I wanted to know what all those batshit fangrrls get so, well, batshit about (Srsly, 20 wank reports at F_W so far! Dude, that's, like, EPIC.) And heh, I love it. You can totally see it's a joint enterprise of the old X-Files gang, the storytelling and the frames are practically the same. Another thing that proves you were a geek in the 90s: you watch an episode of "Supernatural" and squee your way through the credits, because you recognise so many names from a show ten years before. Also, why the hell get people uptight about the Wincest? They're the only couple you can ship, because they are the only characters that appear in more than one episode. So, it's not as if you have much of a choice - it's the brothers or no ship at all (which is apparently impossible for some people). Well, I guess you could ship one or both of the guys with their father... So, a fun show with a hyperwanky fandom? YAY.
I really have to start looking for xmas pressies. I already have a few ideas.
My mother bought a yoga set, which she immediately handed over to me, because she's "too busy right now". I tried it out (there's an exercise tape, too) and it's quite fun. And it's only twenty minutes. I really need to do more sports *sigh*