[me & Adam are
[and listening to "Exo-Politics" by Muse (yes again, sorry 'bout that)]
Slept in on Sunday, which meant we missed the Church of Om & Create Your Own Religion :( That's the problem with Cons: you just can't do everything you wanna do. You have to eat and sleep sometimes. Life's a bitch. Well. Naturally attended the official Stephen Briggs interview at 11, though. Naturally. We had to cheer for our Master :)
Have I mentioned already his official nickname is Briggsy? Even Terry calls him that *lol*
It's very weird to hear Stephen referred to as Briggsy. Especially if it's not only done by girls, but also by boys and even grown men. With shining eyes. Who don't look gay in the slightest, too.
Whatever, Briggsy. Whatever.
*LOL* Orjan &hearts
Then it was time for a game of "What's My Line?" There was a celebrity panel of two guests (Bernard and
Colin Smythe) and a committee member. One part was to guess the Discworld identity of a player by asking yes/no questions, the other part consisted of two of the three panel members groping a player with blinds over their eyes to find out which Discworld character they're supposed to be. That's what's going on in this picture - too bad it's a little stuffed cat on the ground (Greebo). Took them a while to even find it *lol*
Trevor Truran as, quite obviously, Om.
It's so sad I haven't managed to get better pictures, because it was hilarious. They were really GROPING him. Best ever.
Aww Stephen &hearts I still think they let a good gag go here - he should have been impersonating Vimes, that would have been the funniest thing. Instead he was Drumknott. Ah well. They found that out rather quickly, and Stephen looked a bit confused. And Bruce (on the far right, one of the top comittee members, and he led the game) commented very drily:
"Poor Stephen, he's not used to being onstage for such a short time." *LOL*
Lu-Tze, the Sweeper.
Meet the Mob.
Because Hogswatch is Hogfather time. No idea who the first two guys are anymore, but the one next to Terry is Vadim, the director. He's a HUGE fanboy, and honestly NOT in it for the money - which is what we were all scared of, of course. We were told the inside facts (casting, filming and FX stuff, how we snatched away the snow from the next HP movie...), and we were shown a sort of trailer, and a five minute piece of the actual thing - the bit with Nobby at Cromley's, wanting to arrest Death as the Hogfather. It's gonna be shown in Mid-December in Britain, and Pro7 already bought it for Germany. And you know what? Fuck the Harry Potter shit, this is gonna be so much better. Potter can cry himself to sleep, seriously. "Hogfather" is gonna be fucking AMAZING. Teatime is spot-on, Nobby is hilarious, the Death Of Rats is the cutest thing ever, and I still have goosebumps all over when I think of it. And Terry has a role in it, too ;) I can't tell how much I'm looking forward to this! Vadim was so cute - I mean, there he was, in front of 800 hardcore fans. If we hadn't liked it, that would've been it. But you know what? We gasped, we cheered, we laughed, we had tears in our eyes, we were on the edge of our seats. And when it was over, we stood up and cheered some more. Fucking Standing Ovations. And Pats swears Vadim had tears in his eyes. There's probably gonna be a franchise *claps hands* Of course everyone was making fun of Stephen again - Vetinari is not in this movie, but Terry claims he's been parading up and down the filmimg premises with a sign saying "Will Play Vetinari" *g* And Stephen himself says that there are obvious reasons to get him and not Alan Rickman - he's younger, cheaper, brings his own costume (as he's already played Vetinari that often), and doesn't have all the HP baggage ;)
Time for book signings! We started queuing about 40 minutes before the time, and it still took way over an hour before we got there.
I think you can see Stephen and Terry somewhere in the distance. Or maybe not *lol*
Aww *LOL* Have I already said I love Terry?
So. I just packed one book, because I tried to travel light, and there was a three item policy. So I let Terry sign "Maurice" (my fave Pratchett book) for me, and then I'd bought two postcards to get signed, one for Persikay (who, years ago, got me into this mess), and one for me (cuz you can't frame books very well). Stephen's first in signing line, so I ask him to sign the postcard to me, and sure enough he does. I'm terribly tongue-tied - naturally I'd be in front of Terry (although he's been around all the time during the last few days, but I'd never talked to him one on one), but I was even nervous in front of Stephen, and he was Head of my Guild, for fuck's sake *rolls eyes at self* I swear, my heart was beating so hard, you could see my shirt move. Well, Stephen hands me back my postcard, and I ask Terry to sign the other half. Terry looks at me closely for a moment.
Terry: "Are you from France?"
Me: "?!?" *flails*
Terry: *smiling* "Are you from France?"
Me: "No, I'm from Germany." [Wow. Well done. Go me. Way to make an impression.]
Stephen: *looks at me* *looks at Terry* *snatches postcard away from Terry* *scribbles something*
Me: *shaky voice* "What, you're gonna change it to 'To Nicole, not from France'?" [*HEADFUCKINGDESK*]
Terry: *conversationally* "Weeeeell, I just thought what with your name, and then you're wearing a striped shirt, and you just look so French to me, so I thought you were from France."
Me: "Uhm... No. Sorry." [AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!! *kills self* I could have impressed him!! Where are witty comments when you need them?!]
Stephen: *hands postcard back*
Me: "Thank you." *gets the hell out of there*
But aww, he spelled Welt with a dt ;) And I'm telling you, I nearly died of repressed squee that hour...
Our luxurious room :) Honestly, I've never slept in such a huge bed (yep, one of those for each of us) - well, that wide, yes, but also that HIGH! And when you jumped on it, you bounced back! And we had TV and a bathtub and a fresh tea tray every day...